Sorry for your Issues, as a MOD, I can't correct collection issues.
But for Future advise.
If you Already own a Card, Don't write to Customer Service and Ask about that card.
The ONLY thing customer service can do, And they will Do it...
is grant you a refund, and remove the card from your List of Active cards.
I believe there have been 34 cards removed from Sale in the store.
Some cards can still be re-downloaded if you Already Own them, But many Can't
1) never try to update a card that has been removed from the Store for sale.
You will loose access to that card.
2) the CARD image might not show up, but that is just a Graphic of the card.
you still will have all the Animation files and still be able to play a card
even if it's Graphic card image doesn't show in the Collection.
3) Make a back up of both your Models and Data folders for any / all cards you won, that have been removed from Sale in the Store.
They are yours to Keep as long as you don't loose or corrupt the files. this is the reason for the Backup.
4) Never write to Customer Service and Ask a Question about the Removed cards.
Customer Service will then, without you asking, Issue you a refund, and remove the Active Stats for that card.
YOU CAN NOT recover a card, once it has been removed.
Why does customer service do that?
Well, It is the Only thing they can do, and for some of the cards, I believe they are required by the
Courts ruling. If the removed card is no longer working, it must be removed.
So when you write to customer service, this means you have an Issue, and the Only thing they can do is Issue a credit, and remove the card from your Active collection.
So don't write to customer service Unless you Actually have an Issue that the Card Does not Work.
after you have tried everything else.
Once a card is Purchased, it will remain Active in your Collection.
by keeping a backup, you make sure that you have working files you can restore from.