Hey @Kaandorpius
Harley card has been much more expensive to produce and I give some reasons herehttps://www.istripper.com/forum#/forum/thread/33675/1iStripper에 관한 모든 것 / Estonika 0524I was unable to locate the answer, why is this card more expensive than the norm?
By the way, all cards on iStripper have a price based only on maximum quality but if we would like to be fair, we would put a different price for each card, taking in account multiple factors like beauty of the girls, outfit, overall performance of the show, hotness (dildo, anal etc), celebrity of the girl etc.. as a result you would end up with a different price for each card, with some card under 25 credits and some over 25 credits.
I thought the "Harley XX" card was very well done, and I thoroughly enjoyed it myself.
I know alot of people have had issues with the price, and I myself was curious as to why it cost more,... HOWEVER, I felt that Totems response to said queries was more than adequate, and more than justified the increased cost of the card (I mean, the make-up was on point!)
the Harley XX card was more costly in production then a card featuring two girls performing sex including the use of toys?
The make-up? A white base, a black heart drawn with eyeliner, washable hair dye from the carnival shop...
We do need more girls in costumes like maybe an american indian , gypsy , goth chicks cmon guys, we shouldnt have to give you ideas.
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