Thank you for your quick reply, and amy very happy that many of the points raised are already in hand. Several of the others were simply things that you might consider at some point of time in the future.
With regard to point 5) it really is very awkward at the moment to look at the details of a number of girls requiring many mouse clicks to do very simple things. Other users have already commented on this and, and I presume they, would greatlly appreciate it if it could be made easier.
With regard to 7) I know what the levels of eroticism are, but the names are still ***** and ought to be explained to new users, preferably without them having to read a manual because far to may people don't bother to read them anyway. A simple pop-up on a help button labelled [?] would eliminate a lot of *****.
With regard to 9) I have no problem with using control-A, but judging from posts from other users it was not obvious to them and some have laboriously selected every card individualy. As I said the method should preferably be obvious, not just available if you know about it.
For 17) my OS setting is metric, and that is what I want for most programs, but not for the girls vital statistics and height. I think you should defalt to the OS setting, but allow it to be overriden.
For 21) "Full screen" is an accurate name for how you implement the mode but it is equally applicable, and arguably more applicable, to the mode in which you show a single girl on the desktop. Its an implementation detail, not a user level thing. For a user the more important aspect is that they are "scenes" irrespective of whether they are full screen or not. There is nothing inherent in "scenes" that requires full screen and they could equally well be shown in a resizable window much as you do for the previews. Any such change would, of course, be for the distant future but it would then certainly be wrong to call them full screen.
For 23) it would help greatly if any time a message was logged there was an indication of the card or clip and, if applicable, the .scn file. This information could be on a secondary message which, assuing that you have a central error message logger, was automatically generated when any error was logged. As it is I have a log with lots of error messages about problems in various .scn files but have no idea which .scn files they were. Alternatively a single message every time a new scene is started would help even though there might be a lot of them.
For 24) I was refering to the arrowheads. When I first saw the ne carrousels I thought that they were meant to be how you rotated it and it took me some time to find out how it was supposed to used. I take the view that if I can make a mistake like this then so can other new users.
28) was indeed just intended as a fun feature.
29) Tabs for the forum would be nice, but I can always use the website instead.
30) The only real problem with the download list was when I was downloading a lot of new cards (20 or 30 of them) and found it hard to find which were currently being downloaded. The other things I mentioned with just nice to have features, similar to equivalent features in the Firefox downloads list.
14) I agree that more information is not always better, but as you will see from a couple of bug reports I recently posted I have encountered problems regarding what clips are played and in waht order, so perhaps I am a bit over sensiive to this lack of data. I still think it would be a good idea as long as it was kept neat.