Thanks for bringing that up. We don't have that feature on our iStripper program and never have we ever seen any names displayed when playing any scenes in full screen mode except for previews when in desktop screen mode ever since we downloaded the iStripper program. It must be a feature that must be clicked off or something in settings. I will double check to make sure. Well that bites and now I know what the line "nameglowcolor" must be for. We will look into it and I don't think we know how to solve that problem as of yet. That means we will have to redo those scenes.
Merci de mentionner cela. Nous n'avons pas cette fonctionnalité sur notre programme iStripper et nous n'avons jamais vu de noms affichés lors de la lecture de scènes en mode plein écran, à l'exception des aperçus en mode écran de bureau depuis que nous avons téléchargé le programme iStripper. Ce doit être une fonctionnalité qui doit être désactivée ou quelque chose dans les paramètres. Je vais vérifier pour m'en assurer. Eh bien ça mord et maintenant je sais à quoi doit servir la ligne "nameglowcolor". Nous allons l'examiner et je ne pense pas que nous sachions comment résoudre ce problème pour l'instant. Cela signifie que nous devrons refaire ces scènes.
Thanks again everyone! Big Hugs!!
...we both say "Go For It". Trust me when I say "if we can do it anyone can do it."Thanks, and don't be too sure about that.
Like @TheEmu said "It can become addictive."I can believe that. The whole iStripper app and forum has had me hooked since I joined during the lockdowns.
I look forward to downloading some of your scenes too.One day perhaps, not promising anything.
Well we talked about it and we are going to remove the tree from the scene and provide both just in case some like the tease effect
There is no rush. We can enjoy your scenes in the meantime. And above all, don't apologize for making mistakes in your learning, as this is quite normal.Anyone waiting will just have to wait longer
I cut that tree downSome trees in the UK have protection orders on them.
I saw for the girls at the 2 ends (didn't notice for the one in the center), that end clips, which you usually see appearing half at the edge of the screen, as if part of their bodies were off screen
Is there a shader that simulates a small breeze to make the grass and trees flutter a bit? lol
// Coordonnees de texture et couleur pour le fragment
// additions by WyldAnimal
// some custom variables to play with..
// define some variable to use in the formulas
// you can make up your own variable names to use...
#define Xoffset 20.0
#define Xmultiplier 30.0
#define Yoffset 10.0
#define Ymultiplier 10.0
// only leave one of these not commented.
// it will control which set of formulas is used.
#define UseSine
//#define UseCosine
//#define UseBoth
//#define UseTangent // use smaller values above with Tan
varying vec4 gl_TexCoord[5];
varying vec4 gl_FrontColor;
uniform float u_Elapsed;
void main()
vec4 displacedVertex;
displacedVertex = gl_Vertex;
float len = length( displacedVertex );
// inserted the custom variables in the formulas
// and added tests to determine what set of formulas to use
// test if UseSine is not commented ( it's Defined )
// if it is, then uses these formulas
#ifdef UseSine
displacedVertex.x += Xoffset * sin( u_Elapsed + len *Xmultiplier);
displacedVertex.y += Yoffset * sin( u_Elapsed + len *Ymultiplier);
// test if UseCosine is not commented ( it's Defined )
// if it is, then uses these formulas
#ifdef UseCosine
displacedVertex.x += Xoffset * cos( u_Elapsed * len *Xmultiplier);
displacedVertex.y += Yoffset * cos( u_Elapsed + len *Ymultiplier);
// test if UseBoth is not commented ( it's Defined )
// if it is, then uses these formulas
#ifdef UseBoth
displacedVertex.x += Xoffset * sin( u_Elapsed * len *Xmultiplier);
displacedVertex.y += Yoffset * cos( u_Elapsed + len *Ymultiplier);
// test if UseTangent is not commented ( it's Defined )
// if it is, then uses these formulas
#ifdef UseTangent
displacedVertex.x += Xoffset * tan( u_Elapsed * len *Xmultiplier);
displacedVertex.y += Yoffset * tan( u_Elapsed + len *Ymultiplier);
// Position sur l'ecran
gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix * displacedVertex;
// Position dans la texture
gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
As far as the 'Ace's Up' scene goes, we were experimenting with reflections and figuring out how to get the In/Out category to appear from both sides except from always from the right side
As far as the 'Ace's Up' scene goes, we were experimenting with reflections and figuring out how to get the In/Out category to appear from both sides except from always from the right side and getting the reflections of the dancers to appear in sync with the dancers. Unfortunately there are some cards that appear as you said and we both debated on either just denying the In/Out or going with the Standing clips only. We originally only wanted the Dress category for that scene to keep it classy but we decided to go with the varied In/Out instead probably because of our limited collection.
Hello Everyone! We tried to solve the in/out dilemma for the 'Ace's Up!' scene but one card in particular the 'Linda Ellison - Sheer Essence' card proved to make this scene almost impossible to adjust properly rendering some cards to be partly hidden when played such as the 'Katya Clover - Flirtatious card'. So we decided that the background pic we used for this scene wasn't appropriate for in/out clips because of the placement of the Ace's used in this scene.
We're deeply sorry for the inconvenience but the newer revised version is more appropriate for the background pic we used for this scene.
iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内の주제に参加したり新しい주제を作ることはできません。