Thanks for you post Oquijan,
I worked out that if the 1080p sitting clips were reduced to the same scale as the standing clips they would be smaller (probably not by much) than old 720p. By measuring from pictures posted by totem. Will run through it a different way
1080p is 1.5 times 720p
As best as I can work out current zoom on sitting clips is so 1.53 (65% * 1.53 = 100% (I said 60% ==> but that didn't look like when I tried it out in a picture)
current 720p sitting clip 1*zoom of 1.53 = 1.53
New no zoom 1080p picutre 1*1.5 for 1080p = 1.5
So where did I go wrong ? hmmm
"In the past the standing clips were smaller than the close-up clips, with the new stuff, both are the same and adjusted to the bigger reference for size, that is, the close-ups.
So, standing clips looks now at 1080 as big as the close-ups, and that is great, cause at times you can't tell you're watching an standing clip when the girl goes down to the floor, cause the size is equal, so the viewer get better views to the model at all times."
So are you saying that the standing clips are being increased to match the sitting clips - because that cant be right as you get the above for a 1080p clip on a 1080p screen I want to keep and not lose is the nice big screen filling 1080p sitting shots on my 1080p screen. I do not want to trade that feature in for one that allows multiple girls to dance at once.