Is the External Drive a Store bought unit, or is it a Hard Drive in an External Enclosure, that you can remove the drive from?
Store Bought, you are limited to the speed of the External connection.
If you can remove the drive and connect it as a Second HD on the New computer you transfer speed will be A LOT faster.
Your collection is quite large. My COPY to a new Drive took close to 50 hrs with an External USB drive.
Later I found a program called SynchroniseIt that would have cut about 20 hours off that time.. Cartref stated, the Folder you copy them too, isn't too critical.
the Critical step is After they are all Copied.
You will change the registry setting that points to where they are stored.
you do ALL of this with VG and the Downloader NOT running.
Please see this Post for a Simple Script you Can Create and Run yourself to change the stored locations.
I'll try to Post a Copy Here:
There is a Space after each ; character.
It has to be there.
REGEDIT4 ; @ECHO OFF ; CLS ; REGEDIT.EXE /S "%~f0" ; EXIT [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Totem\vghd\System] "Modelspath"="V:\\VGHD\\models\\" "Datapath"="V:\\VGHD\\data\\" You can just copy and paste the Text above into notepad.
change the paths to match the New locations.