I am Albie A.K.A Judgeman.
This will be a weakly theme To get the views and opinions of all you Viewers
on a single selected card.
Some new, some old. Some classic, some decide.
This will last from 03/06/2012-10/06/2012 00:00 CET.
At the end i will tally the Scores and give the card the national, Member Chioce, Rating as well as an overall summary.
Rating Scale: (To be used when Possible)
- 10/10 = Complete waste of time/Ugly.
0/10 = Viewable, yet not worth a credit.
5/10 = Average/standerd. Not bad, but not awesome either.
8/10 = Good. Card is worth looking into.
9/10 = Rare. Wow girls like these dont appear often.
10/10 = EPIC!!! A girl that stands out above the rest, a favorite.
Please Supply a Reason For the Rating as well as own thoughts.
Secondary Scale: (Optional)
Figure/built: Your opinion and rating out of 10.
Face: Your opinion and rating out of 10.
Breasts: Your opinion and rating out of 10.
Pussy:Your opinion and rating out of 10.
Showmanship: Your opinion and rating out of 10.
Entertainment: Your opinion and rating out of 10.
Camera and modeling Skill:Your opinion and rating out of 10.
Also give your Personal Strong point and weak point of the card. (One of each!!)
Any other thoughts and ideas....
Have fun, see you in a weak.
Suggestions for next weeks card can be given.
Please note that this is not an arena match to fight eachother or eachothers opinions. Respect and have fun.
P.S: To the control/moderating Team. If this is not up to standard or allowed, Please let me know.