December 29, 2011 (edited) , KOに번역する (번역を見せる) , ENから번역されました (원본을 보여주는)
You would think that the Team would have made an announcement in the "What's New" category or put it the News box, wanting all the Gold members to know the moment they made the Classic cards available to them. How else do they expect the Gold members to know they can purchase them ?? I'm sure most Gold members don't have a clue that they can purchase the Classic cards.
They really do need to start telling the members when they make changes like this. Especially when they could improve sales. It needs to be put in the "News" box on the left side of the page for everyone to see. Just like when new cards are released. It would only take a few minutes to do so. No longer than it's taking me to post this.
Something such as....."We are proud to announce that the Classic cards are now available to Gold Members and up !!!" would suffice.
Clearly, they don't even bother to tell the Moderators when they make changes.