You would Just Copy the VGHD folder to the External Drive.
Hi @EverthangForever
Yep. I'm not looking forward to copying all this lot over in a couple of weeks time.
I'm targetting Easter weekend I think because I have a long weekend.
I have a second internal drive in the PC and I am thinking of replacing that temporarily with the new drive and do the copying SATA to SATA rather than USB to SATA. Then I'll look at updating the 3K shows a few at a time over a period of a few weeks.
I shall then look at using the old drive as an external USB back up for the models only plus a second back up drive for new shows and whatever current 3K shows will no longer fit after upping the resolution.
Once they are updated keeping them updated is reasonably easy provided it is done regularly.
For the intiial back up some sort of cloning software may be useful but whether it will operate in the background or not I don't know.
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