February 13, 2013 (edited) , KOに번역する (번역を見せる) , ENから번역されました (원본을 보여주는)
I agree with eyex.
IMO the best things of two girls action is when they play with attention and devotion into each other, no when they are preocupied trying to do somethimng with an external object as a cage. If girls use toys, these are essentially to interact with their partner (or with themselves) and it is not the case of a cage. The cage distracts and adds no sensuality and no erotism to the show. Girls interacting standing was good initially with Sarah and Monica Sweet, for example. Standing clips were eliminated (I regret it) and now they return in a worse mode with a useless third object named cage. Sometimes cages even prevents you from seeing the important parts of the girl show.
Even recognising that cages are used in some live shows,IMO cages are good to isolate animals or prisoners or to protect somebody from external agressions (as from sharks in the sea), but I would say that it is not our case.
Anyway, I can understand that some people likes to see girls in cages (as in a zoo) and so, we could have SOME cage shows. But do we need to have cages in ALL AND EVERY new shows? Specially because when we have those cage clips we loose other good no-cage clips (They are not "additional", they are "instead of"). For example, last Ariel and Kattie Gold show has five "X-rated" clips, two out of them with cages. Ariel show has five "X-rated" clips, three of them in a cage. Too may cages!!!
Please Totem, if you don´t eliminate cages (and you should), at least moderate the use of them
Thank you.