Well, if we go with Oquijan's point and direct criticism at Totem, then the question is why does Totem overlook the most common problems in the final product with the worst being: conversations while performing (see Axelle Parker), looking off camera, ignoring the camera completely (see Natali Blond), explicit fading, stopping in the middle of a show for directions, constrictive clothing that limits movement (see Eufrat's demonia), platform shoes which limit some girls movement, keeping shoes on during nudity shows, awful makeup jobs, using the same clothes more than once, lack of variety in moves (which tends to make themes pointless if the routine is the same), compulsory use of the pole despite some girls tend to ignore it, stupid props (get rid of that ***** bear), lack of good themes, etc.
Given the number of years Totem have been around, I doubt production will ever get better so that is why I say it depends on the girls themselves to make the show at least somewhat memorable.