Yo..Hi..Sometimes you do things,That only you, know why.And you never have a reason to tell anybody, what influenced your decision.Because, nobody really gives a damn.But now, that I was asked the question.I have to admit,..I`m not the.Tit lovin,ass lovin, leg luvin guy.I used to be.Because I didn`t think of anything else.When I bought two cards,of Lorena`s.Except, her Loving, and most genuine, smile..I even tried to analyze,why I was so enchanted,by it.I closed in,on the photo section of her card site.To her face.To see, why there was,this magnetism,in her smile.I saw a lot of gum,and the most beautiful teeth... Making her smile,even from far away.Strikingly sexy, and apealing..And her fairly explicit show.And small,but natural body.Makes her, one of my favorites..CORNY, but the truth....I vote for Lorena..Although,the conpetition,is fierce....Thanks..I feel better.Now that everbody knows, what a wuss,I am...