Personally I would not have used the word sale - but that is because I think it is a poor choice not an incorrect one.
I can agree with that, I may have .. in my frustration lost my wording a bit.
Also I agree with your perspective on what a sale is, a selection of goods for a lower price on offer.
Which in my perspective means a service or product for cheaper than the original price,
or in other words a discount.
But to get discounts, I now have to first give money to the man at the door.
Which I guess is the real issue for me, not so much the meaning of a sale.
Most of the time it's not much, but it can add up for people who don't have a lot of money.
Especially if said discounts aren't ones that you want, because of the randomness of it.
The sale tab is now useless because it does not list any more discounts,
especially with all these gambling events and other weird games.
I still say they could and probably should use both options to reap more benefits in general.