You can leave iStripper open for this Task now.
Create yourself a new Directory inside your Home Directory, and you can give any Name you want,
but for the Fact that Linux is Case sensitive! for Files and Folder names, we will choose
without the Quotes, all small letters and with an underscore instead of a blank character.
So the new Location for your Shows is now,
please double check that in your Address bar in Nemo after you have created that Directory.
Now open two Windows of Nemo or you can also open a new Tab in it,
to see the following two Locations at the same time.
/home/howard/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/vghd/drive_c/users/howard/Local Settings/Application Data/vghd/models/
Copy and paste! now all the Folders form your /vghd/models/ Location to your new created Folder "is_data"
in your Home Directory.
Once that is done, you can delete all the Folders within,
/home/howard/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/vghd/drive_c/users/howard/Local Settings/Application Data/vghd/models/
but do not delete the "models" Directory itself.
Now go back to iStripper -> Settings and scroll down to the Data Section again,
to click on "Change Directory" once more.
Click on that Trash Can Icon to delete your current Path, and click on the Apply Button to confirm your action.
After that iStripper will immediately restart, be aware this might take a while depending on your CPU speed.
So no matter how long it takes, you just have to be patient for that process.
Once iStripper is up and running again, go again to the Settings -> Data, to select now your new Location.
Click again on "Change Directory" and "Add new Folder" and now a new Window should open,
generated from PlayOnLinux.
Single click on that Disk icon on the left, and you should see your home Directory
between "etc" and "lib" on the right.Double click on that and you should see your Username "howard", double click on that too.Now you should see your Folder "is_data" Double click (that is important) and you should see now
an empty space on the right side in that Window.If that is the case, click on the "Open Button" down right in that Window, and once that Window is closed,
click on the Apply Button in iStripper to confirm your action.I hope this Screenshot will help you to identify all that.
Once iStriper has closed and is up and running again, go to your Collection and all your Shows should be
"greyed out" again, if that is the case all was working so far.
Now go to Settings again and hit now the Button "Rebuild Collection" and your iStripper Logo in your
Taskbar will turn into a spinning circle.
This shouldn't take too long, but you have to wait until you can see the iStripper Logo again, and your PC
will become unusable during that process, as always patience is the key.
Once that is done, go to My Collection and you should see now your two downloaded Shows.
Like mentioned before and if you are unsure for all that, you can leave your Shows in the default "models"
Folder, but i can't tell you if you will loose Access to your Collection, in case something goes wrong
on the Totem Servers again.