Agree, things are tough. I know, I contract in IT downunder and would consider myself to be good at what I do, but contracts are not being extended eevn with good reputations.
My own super portfolio has taken a pounding as well.
However to say that we will work until we die? When a friend & I have another image in mind.
Imagine a grave, tomstone & all, with a laptop perched on top of the grave.
The see two skeleton hands coming out of the grave, taping away on the laptop.
It no lpnger work until you die, its work long after that....
But seriously, yes its tough, but most of us have been through something like this before. Don't loose hope, find something to laugh at or with. Recessions are nothing new, if not as bad. To loose hope is the worst thing you can do.
I have been out of work now for nearly 4 weeks. First time in nearly 10 years & coming here can still make me smile.