"I was celebrating the discovery, on my part, that I could click on the Avatar pic and enlarge it"
Hey, I didn't know that! :)
Perhaps I am taking things too seriously. By the messages I keep getting, though, it would appear that several people really DO think that that's me (perhaps they also think that plasonic and deekayd are aliens and tiobruno57 is 3 years old, though). After I take the time to carefully write a full reply, including an explanation that it's not a pic of me, it's a pic of a famous actress, or that no, I have absolutely no interest in cybering or sending them nude pics, I strangely get no replies. Leaving me feeling like they think I somehow deceived them.
As for the "if so", I almost always assume that a pic of a real person isn't the person behind the keyboard. Unless they're really ugly with no redeeming assets, over 50, or incredibly dorky looking. Anything else I figure is an expression of personal taste. I wouldn't even have been sure of tiobruno57.