if you already are on Discord
Create a New Discord member just for iStripper and Adult Servers
I did not do this, so my Discord member has all my gaming and Adult stuff Mixed together.
If you are new to Discord just for iStripper
but later want to Explore all the Other Discord Forums ( Servers )
Then again, I would give advice to make a new Discord member for these Other Interest
to keep them Separate.
I Have some Friends that would not accept me, if they New I was a Moderator for a Porn Site.
And with Discord, Luckily, I can prevent them from Seeing all the Forums I am a member of.
So they Can't spy on me to learn that I am a member of the iStripper or other adult Forums on Discord.
You can only see the servers that both you and another user share. You cannot see every server someone is in. This makes Discord both very public and very private depending on what communities you are a part of.
Privacy & Securityon the left side and choose the Settings of your choice.
I had to be sure I wasn't conflating them with some other terms, guidelines,Understandable but as long as you are sticking to the Rules on the Server,
and other legalese I was looking at.😎
It will be a sad day if and when this forum closes and fully moves over to Discord.The Future is not written yet @Socialhazard but i also think it would be easier for the😪
I don't like it
I just hope Totem keeps this forum which, at least for me, is of a much more familiar and direct dimension.
While the present forum is a place that seems to me more exclusive to iStripper customers, Discord seems like an open door where a lot of curious people meet.Absolutely!
Discord seems to me to be more impersonal, where you feel less at home.
It feels like there are a lot of strangers in our living room.
I get an uncomfortable feeling.I know what you mean.
I just hope Totem keeps this forumYes that would be great. There is much information here that might otherwise be lost.
I just have the feeling that the whole thing is an ill thought mess.
Similarly there are no details of what cards members have in their collections so when replying to queries about show contents/girls you have no idea if they already have the cards you may suggest.Because the Discord is not linked to the iStripper's servers. This link only exists with the software and the website. The team has requested to the users on Discord to add their username in iStripper if it's not the same than on Discord, to help everybody to know if they are iStripper's users.
iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内のトピックに参加したり新しいトピックを作ることはできません。