I got this achievement on January 12th with this card:
I have been using one-click purchase for more than two months.
I have also used auto-buy sometimes, but not often.
Now, that I have the achievement, I will pass on trying again.
I have auto-buy on now and for the foreseeable future.
Every upcoming card will be in my collection, except SEC.
Let me amend that last statement. I will not be buying Eva Brown's cards and it look like Ayako Fuji's last card is past. I will buy all other upcoming cards, except SEC.
I suggest that others that have this achievement to stop trying for it and let others get it.
You cannot get the achievement twice, but being first twice means everyone else misses it.
forgot to add this. so that others can see.
@zanga wrote this (and it is true from what I understand):
I know that auto-buying doesn't count toward this acheivement.