Turn off Streaming of clips.Works flawlessly.
It take a few seconds to Load the Clip into Memory, So there is a delay between one clip ending and the next clip starting..
Other than that...
Works, flawlessly.
All the Models are shared.
Each pc, has it's own Data Folder.I usually delete deactivated clips...
This was each one can have it's own Active and Deactivated clips.
Plus it's own Skin, and Custom Cards...
The Laptop has Two Model folder Paths.
Sometimes Three.
1) the Shared NAS
2) the Default Local location
3) a USB thumb drive
I keep multiple REGISTRY files with the different Path setups.
You CAN'T share downloaded Model files between different accounts.
I usually delete deactivated clips...
Will this bother the other workstation?
Logically it should not...
Now that's interesting.
1-Can you have a model let's say locally and on the NAS at the same time?
2- What if the thumb drive is not there? Then you put it back?
New downloads get saved to the drive with the Most free space..Sounds logical to me and external drive would be first in line.
This is true if you Download new cards from One PC, the Other Might not know they are downloaded.Always thought a rebuild was to do what is say.
A rebuild Collection puts that PC back into Sync.
The I run a sync program once a weekI was hoping for an unique external drive to my Wifi router.
This was each one can have it's own Active and Deactivated clips.Is there a way to synchronise deactivated cards / clips data?
Plus it's own Skin, and Custom Cards...
Is there a way to synchronise deactivated cards / clips data?
Trying to add to the best of both world idea.
What happend to my post?Saw the same thing happens to one of my reply and it's reply by another member.
I replied to this over the weekend...???
Clip Deactivation is done by writting a file to the Models folder called inactive.txtThis close the question on sync between workstations.
Rebuild CollectionNo need to quote the entire explanation.
The program sinks the entire VGHD folder (both data & models)Download cards on workstation A
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