I don't understand why the first show of Chrissy is only rated 2 stars (have a look on the card's page)
@stefnev1 - Chrissy is now rated at 3.17 on the card page on my system. I think that the ratings start low these days and tend to increase as more people add ratings. Something to do with the new ratings system. Also, there are a few people who seem angry at the difference between reality and the publicity pics (the tatoo and her weight), so she'll be attracting a few low ratings.
I really hope that it's only a vocal minority that object. For me, the show is the most addictive for months - and that includes some pretty good performances by some beautiful girls. But Chrissy is something special and I'd love to see more than the 4/5 cards that we can expect from this set.
Edit...in the last couple of mins it's gone to 4.19....it seems there's a fan base building!