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Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here

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Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
April 28, 2022 (edited)
Eleven WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run &/or remix on
iStripper's OpenGL platform. All scenes except FG279 are for
pole or table. FG274 uses open directory sampler textures.

zip size = 819 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and to overwrite any existing same name file.
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here Imho, the biggest limitations of the iStripper fullscreen platform are that it only allows a single channel for seed textures, with no live...
Joined in Apr 2021

62 投稿
April 28, 2022 (edited)
Hello everyone! Girlfriend and I are really interested in learning how to create our own version of full screen backgrounds for iStripper to make our intimate experiences even more memorable but we have no idea on how to create them or where to begin. What programs are needed to create these amazing backgrounds that so many members are creating and incorporating them into the iStripper program? We don't have any programming experience but between the both of us I am sure we can figure it out with some guidance and tips from the amazing creators of these spectacular scenes in these forums. Much Love from the both of us!
Joined in Oct 2010

1194 投稿
April 28, 2022 (edited)

To create the backgrounds for fullscreen scenes you may need some sort of image editing software. I use PaintShop Pro but others have had success using GIMP which is free.

Alternatively you can downloaded suitable backgrounds from the internet although some of these may be copyrighted.

To create and edit scenes you need a simple text editor (Windows Notepad will do but Notepad++ is a much better tool and it is free).

The scene files are called "scene name".scn (where the scene name makes it easily identifiable) but they are just simple text files containing a list of instructions to run the scene.

You can start here
Some of the post by @Wyldanimal are really helpful.
Joined in Aug 2017

1353 投稿
April 29, 2022
All the scenes compile well. Thank you so much @EverthangForever. 😊

Toutes les scènes compilent bien. Merci beaucoup @EverthangForever. 😊
Joined in Apr 2021

62 投稿
April 29, 2022 (edited)
Thank You @Number6 for your reply and information. We will read the links you posted for us. I assume we will need more than just Paint Shop Pro and Notepad++ to design quality background full screens. I assume there must be another program for the actual coding in which we were hoping to acquire information on unless these programs you suggested is all that is needed. We are very interested in camera zooming and adding special effects to our screens with single and multiple models in our screen designs. Nevertheless the links you provided will be a great starting point and for that we both send you Big Hugs and Thanks!
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
April 29, 2022 (edited)

I assume there must be another program for the actual coding

The "other program" is a simple text editor such as Notepad or, better, Notepad++.

Each scene is described in a file with a .scn filename extension. These files are simple text files written in what I call the "scene definition language". They do two main things

Firstly they define what external images and clips are used in the scene - this is done by a series of Texture (for images) and Clip declarations.

Secondly they define where each of these previously declared items appear. This is done by a series of nested nodes of various types (Camera, Node, Quad, Sprite, ClipSprite, ClipNameSprite and Light).

Most of these nodes can have optional "animate" clauses defining how various properties are to vary in time. This gives us the ability to move and rotate the nodes relative to each other and to dynamically vary their dimensions, colour and opacity. In the case of the camera node you can also vary the direction in which it is pointed and the width of its field of view. This is how panning, tracking, zooming fading etc. are achieved.

Further, more advanced, "special effects" can be made by using so called "fragment shaders" which are short programs written in the GSL language.

Totem only provide very basic instruction on how to do all this but some of us have looked int it in more detail much f which is described in this thread or in the two that @Wyldanimal suggested in his post.

Many examples to study can be downloaded from his site

and others from mine
Joined in Apr 2021

62 投稿
May 1, 2022
Thanks @TheEmu for the links and explanation. I suppose I was curious about the scn cache file that are attached to all scene files written in what I assume is a computer language or is this file same with all scenes created and necessary to include when creating scene folders. I guess I wanted to know which language is it written in and what program is needed to create those files if necessary. The other screen file associated with the scene files are written in plain English language which can be accessed through notepad or notepad ++ as you and @Number6 have suggested.

We did some experimentations with a random single model scene and with a 2 model scene folder and now understand how to modify and create basic scenes while modifying the clips in various ways as @Wyldanimal clearly explains in the link @Number6 provided including the positioning of the images including mask images if needed and which clip types to allow and deny from each model. The little misses is presently researching and learning about GLSL to understand about creating shadows, reflections and other animated effects. She as I are really invested into creating our own scenes and we are about to purchase adobe photoshop program soon as we are currently exploring the Gimp program for now that we have just downloaded. We used paint shop to modify pics prior to downloading Gimp as we took many pics of our living room and bedroom just for fun and we used them by modifying an existing scene folder just to experiment with and we had a good chuckle with the results lol. It makes the iStripper program sooo much more personal and so much sexier when you use pics that you are familiar with and one of the models kind of resembles the little misses which makes it even more fun lol. She luvs to perform for me as she mimics that one model lmao. I'm a lucky guy to have such a wonderful, intelligent and sexxxy woman like her in my life. She luvs it when I perform for her but I dance ugly and it always turns out to be a funny situation so I leave the dancing to her lmao. But I try my best to entertain her especially when we have a few drinks hehe.

We are having sooo much fun learning how to create our own scenes and would luv to learn all that we can to create amazing scenes for our own pleasure like so many members have already done. When we are able to create our own amazing scenes then we will of course share them with all members on this forum. After all is was her idea to download iStripper a year ago while drinking too much wine and feeling a tad naughty hehe and I am glad we did lol. The models are beautiful and very sexxxy and the iStripper program is so versatile for those with a little creative imagination. Thanks a bunch for sharing your index of scenes with us as we have already downloaded many of them and they are amazing. We do understand however that we have so much to learn but even with learning the basics over the weekend we have already created a few sexy scenes for our own enjoyment with many more to come as the possibilities are endless.

Big Hugs from the Both of Us!!!
Joined in Oct 2010

1194 投稿
May 1, 2022
I suppose I was curious about the scn cache file that are attached to all scene files written in what I assume is a computer language or is this file same with all scenes created and necessary to include when creating scene folders.

The cache files are automatically created when you add a scene to the scene folder. They are basically the "thumbnails" that you see when you access the scenes in the GUI.

Glad it is working out for you and good luck to you both in creating your scenes. Looking forward to see what you can do.😊
Joined in Apr 2021

62 投稿
May 2, 2022 (edited)
Thank you so much for clarifying the cache file for us, well mostly for me. Sandi was right and she suggested that considering it is a cache file that the iStripper program most likely generated it automatically which explains the coding but I'm an idiot and didn't really know for sure 😁. Now I can relax and we both can focus on learning and designing our own personal fantasy screens and let our imaginations run free and wild inspiring us to visualize and create some cool scenes that hopefully others would also enjoy. There is so much to learn but with all of the various types of screen files available from the creative designers in this forum and the various themes and style of clips from the beautiful models we both can learn from all of you and this is going to be soooo much fun for the both of us!
Much luv and gratitude for all of your help as it is greatly appreciated!💕 Big Hugs from the Both of Us!!!
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 2, 2022 (edited)

Most of my scenes are heavily commented in order to help others learning how to code up their own. This is particularly true for those in the "Experiments" folder which are those that I used during my own early learning process but it is a practice that I have continued to employ in all but the simplest of cases.

With respect to shaders I have made minimal changes to many of those found on the Shadertoy and GlslSandbox web sites - these can be found in their own folders on my site. Except for my modifications these tend to be pooly commented. However my own shaders are heavily commented and may be useful to you. In particular the EmuLib folder contains many "utility" shaders with examples of how to use them.

I hope you have as much fun creating your own scenes as I have had creating mine.
Joined in Apr 2021

62 投稿
May 2, 2022

We were checking out your massive and excellent "Paris Penthouse Club" folder and you cover every single type of clips used from the Models including mirror imaging, duplicating and so forth. We found that whole folder to be a very valuable tool in the learning process and we were so happy that you have commented in each section of the scn file clearly outlining every step you took to create each individual scene. We will definitely check out the "Experiments" and the "EmuLib" folders as suggested among others you have created and we can't thank you enough for the assistance you have provided us, the directory you shared with us and the tip on the shaders issue in which we were so eagerly awaiting to learn more about. We both totally appreciate and respect the effort you took into creating these amazing scenes especially the comments section for all members to enjoy and for people like us who have a strong desire to learn and create our own unique scenes for our personal collection and to possibly share with others in the near future once we acquire more skills.

We have just received our 1 year anniversary badge on the weekend from iStripper and we celebrated in style with some wine, music and of course iStripper playing on the television the whole night lol and by creating our first experimental scene folder on our other laptop using pics from our own residence to give it that sexy personal feel and we laughed and had a great time working together on our very 1st project.

This iStripper program is probably the coolest and sexiest program we have encountered so far and we have had an amazing time so far in learning just the basics so far and it's only going to get better as we learn the in and outs of scene creation and animations. The possibilities are endless and we are both sooo excited to see what we both can create together as a couple. It will be interesting to see a woman's perspective as she has already some great ideas to provide to our future projects.

Thank You! Big Hugs and Much Luv from the Both of Us!!! 💕

Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
May 5, 2022 (edited)
Eleven WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run &/or remix on
iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG282 uses an open directory for texture2D.
FG283 & FG291 use a transparent backed shader over a background clouds
shader or an animated sampler2D sprite. All scenes are for pole or table.

zip size = 7.85 Mb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and to overwrite any existing same name file.

@Zantiev pls try to use the discussion thread below for general fullscreen
queries unless your posts contain your share download links. Thanks a lot :-)
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here Qui sait comment rendre le noir transparent dans le shader de jorge Does anyone know how to make the black become transparent in jorge's sha...
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
May 9, 2022 (edited)
Eleven WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run &/or remix on
iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG293 uses only pole or cage clips.
FG302 uses only freely walking or standing clips. FG303 & FG302
have both had alpha length updates in this zip, thanks @TheEmu .

zip size = 1.72 Mb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here I had been putting table scenes first in the .scn 'allow' parameter by default..leading to lots of right arrow key presses by aficionados of...
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
May 11, 2022 (edited)
Twelve WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run &/or remix on
iStripper's OpenGL platform. There is one extra scene this week
to make up for next week because I expect to be otherwise busy.
FG304 uses only pole clips. FG305 uses pole or cage clips.
FG315 is a two model scene using only standing +/or pole clips.
All the remaining scenes use either pole or table clips.

zip size = 372 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
Thanks @Socialhazard ;-)
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
May 15, 2022 (edited)
here's an uptempo scene I have been playing with our dancers to 'Wild Wild West'
a 1988 song by The Escape Club

zip size = 242 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
Joined in Aug 2017

1353 投稿
May 15, 2022
Thanks @EverthangForever. The FG322 scene works very well.

The FG322.old scene is also in this unzipped download. Should we unzip it and include it as a scene in the ETScenes folder, or is this an error?

I thought I saw that once unpacked the scene has the same name as the new one? Which I imagine will erase the new one.

Thanks for your clarifications.

Merci @EverthangForever. La scène FG322 fonctionne très bien.

La scène FG322.old est aussi dans ce téléchargement non décompressé. Doit-on la décompressé et l'inclure comme scène dans le dossier ETScenes, ou est-ce une erreur ?

J'ai cru voir qu'une fois décompressé la scène a le même nom que la nouvelle ? Ce qui risque j'imagine d'effacer la nouvelle.

Merci pour vos éclaircissements.
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
May 16, 2022 (edited)
@ComteDracula , Merci pour da rapport , ... tout est fixe
toutes mes excuses. Oui, le FG322.old doit avoir été une erreur.. alors s'il vous plaît ignorez celui-là.

Thank you for da report @ComteDracula, ...all is fixed in the zip
my apologies. Yes the FG322old must have been an error.. so please ignore that one.👍😊👍
Joined in Aug 2017

1353 投稿
May 16, 2022
Thank you so much @EverthangForever. Very nice scenes. I appreciate it. 😊

Merci beaucoup @EverthangForever. Très jolies scènes. J'apprécie. 😊
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
May 25, 2022 (edited)
Here be another eleven WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run
&/or remix on iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG319 & FG320 use only
pole & cage clips. FG321 & FG323 use only pole clips. FG324 uses
any standing clips.
FG320 Features base graphics by courtesy of, da legendary @LunaPup

zip size = 840 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
June 2, 2022 (edited)
Here are another twelve WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run
&/or remix on iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG335 & FG336 use only
pole or cage clips. The rest use standing or floor work clips for
every scene.

zip size = 180 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
June 5, 2022 (edited)
@WA thanks lots., nice clear uniforms syntax & effects with da CurtainMotion.fsh..👍

Here are another eleven WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run
&/or remix on iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG343 uses paired
clipsprites on an endless sprite zoom. FG345-349 cycle zooming in / out
of the model & stage. All scenes accomodate standing or sitting clips.

zip size = 4.29 Mb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here have reverted back to using native size 1920 x 1080 plain png textures for mounting shaders. There was too much reduced quality in shader re...
Joined in Apr 2021

62 投稿
June 8, 2022 (edited)
Hello Everyone! Well! Little did we know when my sexy girlfriend suggested on trying out this iStripper program a little over a year ago , (influenced by a little wine and a fantastic night lol), that we would actually one day create our own Scenes to enjoy together let alone to share with other members. It would have been a wildly unreasonable idea considering we have absolutely no computer programming knowledge whatsoever lol.

Thanks to @Number6, @Wyldanimal, @HombreSinSombra, @Socialhazard and our mentor/teacher @TheEmu, who have all contributed and encouraged us to go for it and who have assisted us step by step no matter how silly my questions were lol and without them none of this would have never been possible. To all of you we both send you our Thanks and our Gratitude and of course our Love!!💕 We hope you will enjoy our Scenes and hope we have made you all proud.

It sure takes a lot of time, patience and imagination in creating these scenes and for that we both share our deepest respect and appreciation for all members who do create them. We now know the sacrifices you all must make and the hard work you do in order to just create one particular scene especially the more complex ones.

Well we have 7 zip files to share and 8 screens in total lol. (2 in one of the zip folders). We've been busy hehe and each Scene presented it own set of challenges. But we loved doing them sooo much and had sooo much fun in the learning and creative process!!!

We are sooo excited to be able to share these scenes with all members and truly hope that you will enjoy them considering we are totally newbies to scene creations. Obviously they are basic scenes, nothing fancy and we know all of these scenes that we are about to share can be improved on and we are hoping for any constructive criticism /suggestions on how we can improve them all to make them even better. We only have 83 cards so far, so testing these Scenes have been limited to what we have in our collection.

We both do hope that you will all enjoy them as we may have more to come!!!

So! Here they are!

Ace's Up!


Computer Geek:

Naked News:


Lesbian Orgy:


Thanks for downloading them and let us know what you think?

Big Hugs from the Both of Us!!💕
Joined in Jul 2020

1170 投稿
June 8, 2022
@Zantiev I've been following your posts from the sidelines with interest.
I never got round to making any scenes of my own, plenty of imagination,
but so little idea where to start. I recall I think you started that way yourself.
So I will download your scenes and perhaps be inspired to try all this myself.
Joined in Nov 2020

1160 投稿
June 8, 2022

Cool. I'll have to try these later. 👍 😎
Joined in Jul 2020

1170 投稿
June 8, 2022
@Zantiev and "sexy girlfriend" to my eyes these are amazing scenes. Especially as you say you are still learning how to make them. Very clever ideas too. I'm lucky enough to have a near full collection and these have played many shows and clips I had long forgotten about. Great work 👍 What will you come up with when you have learned all the tricks. 😉
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
June 8, 2022

An excellent start to your scene creation. But a word of warning - it can become addictive.
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
June 8, 2022
@Zantiev & Sandi,
Very artistic and creative work..Love it 👍
Joined in Mar 2008

4056 投稿
June 9, 2022 (edited)
very nice scenes
I like them 👍👍

Here I give you a small challenge

The Challenge
I had been a subscriber to the Naked News
It was cool to see you make a scene about it.

The Center 'News' panel
Make it random, so that each time the scene loads, you get a different 'News' item.

Look at the Background2d scene for an idea of how to do that.

or my shadow scenes where I display a random mask shape.
Joined in Apr 2021

62 投稿
June 9, 2022
@wrightsayswow thank you for your kind and inspiring words and we both say "Go For It". Trust me when I say "if we can do it anyone can do it." I only knew how to do very basic stuff when it came to computers. Sandi is the brains of this relationship and I'm the beauty hahaha nah she's the hottie too! I'm just a fun and wild musician who just never grew up and I 'm a very lucky guy and blessed to have a beautiful and sexy younger adventurous woman like her in my life lol.

The coding was foreign to us in the beginning but you'll see in no time it gets much easier to grasp. When you see your first created scene you will be so excited like we were. Like @TheEmu said "It can become addictive." Have fun and free that imagination of yours and I look forward to downloading some of your scenes too. Big Hugs!!


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