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Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here

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Joined in Mar 2008

4051 投稿
January 4, 2015 (edited)
This thread will be Strictly for the member created Scenes for Full Screen and the Screen Saver.

list of shared Scenes Thread
Scene Discussions can be found Here:
Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here;foId=3&ftId=27449&gotolastpage=1
iStripperに関する全て / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
I decided its time to start a thread for customized scenes like we had for customized skins. I am not sure if the artwork forum section is the right place so if the Mods think this should go into anot...

My tutorial Thread - the Basics of How to get started creating your own Scenes
can be Found Here:

Full Screen Mode - Examples - Tutorials - Scene samples

Please don't post off topic.
Don't use this thread for Discussions, or tutorials.
Simply Post a Picture of your Scene(s)
along with the Url of where to Download it.

If time permits, I will try to keep these fist post updated with just the Links..

If you Are going to Create a Scene, Try to Follow a Standard Naming process, to Avoid Duplicate Scene names.

Decide on what your Scene Group will be called..
As simple as your name, your initials, your VG handle.
Put a Plus sign in front of it.
Then use a Space Dash Space Followed by the Name of the Scene

For Example.
Bill69 makes a scene called SunShine
He also makes a scene called Grassy Field
So he will give his Scenes the Following names.

Bill69 - Sunshine.scn
Bill69 - Garssy Field.Scn

To Share these Scenes Bill69 put them Both into a Zip

This will display as a Group called Bill69
When the Group is Expanded by Double Clicking on it, you will see the Individual Scene Names.

I have webspace available if anyone needs a place to host their Scenes.
No Bells a whistles, no Fancy Web Page. just hosting space.

This link will list all Scenes available for Download.

this type of Link will be Just for a Specific Scene file

I also wrote a small App with ***** and Drop capability.
Open the App,
***** your Zipped up Scene file and Drop it on the App.
It will Upload it to the Hosting space.
If I ***** and Drop a zip file called onto the app

The Link to Download that scene would then be:

Send me an E-mail if you'd like a copy of the App so you can upload and share your Scenes.
wyldanimal at deskbabes dot net

Remember, only posts a Picture of your Scene and the URL to Download it.
Let's keep this thread clean and dedicated just for the Links to Member created Scenes.
Thank you.

Just an Update..
I've added an SSL to the VirtuaStripper site.
When you Share a Scene you can now use

the Old Link still works..
Joined in Mar 2008

4051 投稿
January 4, 2015
Joined in Mar 2008

4051 投稿
January 4, 2015
Joined in Mar 2008

4051 投稿
January 4, 2015
Joined in Mar 2008

4051 投稿
January 4, 2015
Joined in Mar 2008

4051 投稿
January 4, 2015
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
January 4, 2015
Two from TheEmu and Yidincrete, a Bouncy Castle and a rotating Carousel, both of which are available at

The direct link to the Zip file for these two scenes is
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
January 4, 2015 (edited)
Three from HombreSinSombra that are available, with his permission, at

The direct link to the Zip file for HombreSinSombra's scenes is Sin
Joined in Dec 2008

6 投稿
January 4, 2015
An empty hotel hallway, 6 rooms, a girl in each room.....

The image of the hallway inspired this scene. With careful layering of images and clips, I was able to get the girls to walk in and out of their rooms.

I have also included a 3 girl version, a little easier on the eyes and the CPU.

Files can be downloaded from;

I hope you have as much fun watching this scene as I had creating it.
Joined in May 2008

29 投稿
January 4, 2015
I have just up dated my scenes, and added the +yc - to the names to make things easier. On the mix scenes I have used other members work and added to it, that of TheEmu and EverthangForever.
They can be downloaded from here :-

If you already have some of my scenes you will need to delete them to avoid having them twice. Thanks again to Wyldanimal for hosting these.
Joined in Dec 2007

284 投稿
January 4, 2015
Updated all my scenes to reflect the requested naming conventions. Created a few new scenes today, most variations on the above example. These have 2 active shaders, one behind the stage, the other behind the letters in the stage. Please delete all my old scenes as to not double up.

All my and a couple others VG work can be found here:
Joined in Oct 2010

1249 投稿
January 5, 2015
Another Shadertoy scene, adapted from the original by @301z. Should run smoothly on low end systems :)

As WA suggested, I have named this one: +HSS - Firewall.scn
Joined in May 2008

29 投稿
January 5, 2015
There was a problem with some of the scenes I uploaded {re previous post) I have now fixed them. Should now all be working fine.
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
January 7, 2015 (edited)
ET zip has been updated today 8th Jan 2015 as a revised album.
added revision of 3 Guide Scenes for legibility, added info re lighting/ambience ~props tks @WA, Updated RTF file of same on server. please delete old Guide scenes before d/loading or set extract to update existing.

Added 1 new SCN:'FractalGarden 012' - my own muse on Escher's endless upsteps.
total zipsize: 43,293,775 bytes (41.2 MB)
Joined in Dec 2010

7 投稿
January 11, 2015

This is my first attempt at sharing a full screen scene. The scene is set for three
girls preforming in an almost empty LAX terminal. There is a main center performer
along with two background girls on the left and right. The main central lady is
also displayed on two LAX monitors. Both of the background dancers along with the
monitors have their reflections mirrored on the floor.

There are just two main images. The background (which I shot at LAX and modified
for the monitor use in Photoshop) along with a mask image. Also included are the
two LAXXX logo images.

The scene and images were setup for use on my 1920 x 1080 PC display so not sure
how they will work out when used on other size monitors. Feel free to modify and
use in any way you wish.

The zip can be found at:

Joined in Oct 2010

1192 投稿
January 12, 2015 (edited)
I've been playing with these for months it seems. Its a bit like the Hydra - you finish off one scene and two more spring up to take its place.

They are all Fractal based scenes (I consider Hubble pictures of Galaxies Nebulae, etc. to be natural fractals). Originally it was supposed to contain Abstract and Psychedelic Art but the file size was over 400MB. I cut it down to just Fractals and even then I had to drastically reduce the number of images. I've got it down to around 145MB now. They use the new SCN file naming convention and are located at

Copy the zip file to your Scenes Folder (after Scanning it with your anti-virus). Right click on the zip file and select "extract all". It should give a default prompt to extract to a folder .../No.6_Fracedelic_Scenes. Click on extract and all the files and sub folders will be extracted. The Scenes should now appear in the Settings/Full Screen Tab. Double Click on the No.6_Fracedelic_Scenes and it should expand to show all the scenes.

A big thanks to @Lunarpup for some of the Fractal Images.

There are 16 Scenes in total - using various random fractal images. The first 5 off I have issued previously and apologies if anyone has already downloaded them. I am taking this opportunity to tidy up my scene files and wanted to put all the fractal ones together. Scenes 4 and 5 use new random background images if it is any consolation.

Use and modify as you wish. Add your own Fractal images (or Abstract/Psychedelic Art). Most images with lots of primary and secondary colours work well.
Joined in Oct 2010

1249 投稿
January 14, 2015 HSS - Fractal

Just added another shader scene. This one is a fairly simple but nonetheless beautiful fractal animation. In parts of the animation, you could almost believe you are hurtling thru space!
Joined in Oct 2010

1249 投稿
January 15, 2015 (edited)

I rehashed the fragment/vertex shader Firewall scene, using Beast's new tweaks.

There are 2 images in the folder and VG will select either at random so you get 2 for one this deal!

The 2nd s-cap is the pretty one and looks like a heavy rainstorm, running down glass.

Thanks again @WA for all your help :)

edit by WA:
File name edited to get rid of the spaces, and duplicate period on the end..

Joined in Jan 2014

12 投稿
January 15, 2015
Scene based on Firewall by HombreSinSombra.
Hope you will like it :)
Joined in Oct 2010

1249 投稿
January 16, 2015 (edited)
Another tweak or 2. This looks almost like a 3D animation :) (For those that don't know how or can't be bothered to change last version).
My best yet, imho :)

Edit by WA:
It's probably best, when you make the Zip files, to Avoid spaces in the name of the Zip file.
I've replaced all the Spaces with a dash instead.
The name of the Zip doesn't change any of the files names stored in the zip file.
so the Zip file can be named anything you like.

A good replacement for Spaces is the Dash -
or the Underscore _

It will avoid all the HTML Hex code %20%20

Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
January 16, 2015 (edited)
Nice going @HSS y @mrcrowley06 ;)

today, 16th Jan 2015, added one new ET scene.

added SCN:'FractalGarden 013 - shows nesting of a fragment shader with 2 sprites. More in the code // comments. Extract to ../Scenes folder
total zipsize: 6.4 MB.
Joined in May 2013

23 投稿
January 16, 2015
hi good work
but how can i add scenes on a mac? can anyone help
Joined in Oct 2009

2522 投稿
Joined in Aug 2014

6 投稿
January 17, 2015
Thanks to all for your work of madman
Of big works of art here
It stays for me of the science fiction
respect for that.
Joined in Apr 2013

1033 投稿
January 17, 2015

I'm a Mac user. I did some experimenting when scenes first came out and the Mac seems to work exactly the same way that Windows PCs do with scenes. By the way, file/folder names are not case sensitive in OSX.

Ask a more detailed question and I might be able to offer some advice, but I'm not an expert on scenes.
Joined in Oct 2010

1249 投稿
January 17, 2015 (edited)

Another simple fragment shader scene. The vertical bars appear to converge while remaining vertical and the sine waves appear to move up and down while the image is fixed but scrolling sideways. A pretty, colourful scene :)

I made a few tweaks to the original shader ;)

@Dorsai6: @lezardo has stated in the other fullscreen thread that the Mac is case sensitive. To be on the safe side, I guess we should all copy any links etc., exactly as posted. :)

Edit: @Beast: And there was I thinking that the postings here had gone a little awol again! Sorry, my bad. (Note to self: No spaces in zip file names. Got it):)
Joined in Apr 2013

1033 投稿
January 17, 2015
I just did a test on my Mac Pro under OSX 10.9.5. Folder names are not case sensitive. However, it is always a good idea to copy links exactly as posted. Prior to OSX they may have been case sensitive, I don't remember. OSX is UNIX based and UNIX is not case sensitive.
Joined in Jan 2014

12 投稿
January 17, 2015 (edited)
Romantic Moon

Just finished one more scene. What can I say about it...; I really liked while I made it, but I can't say the same after I watched the result. Maybe it because some models are too small. From the other look, the atmosphere these scene makes came out as I planned.
So I decided to upload it so everybody can decide if they what to watch it.
Joined in Dec 2009

118 投稿
January 18, 2015
@mrcrowley06: I thought your scene looked intriguing so I downloaded it. It tells me, however, that no scenes are available. Nevertheless, I do have several cards from two collections activated with all erotic levels. Do you have a fix? Thanks!
Joined in Oct 2010

1249 投稿
January 18, 2015 (edited)
@LOVERBOY1: I have been playing with this scene for a couple of hours. It all works fine for me. Can you post a screencap of your Fullscreen settings? If you have multiple cards enabled, it should work ok. The only thing I can think of is that you extracted to the wrong folder.

Open the zip and then select extract to: Your username/Appdata/Local/vghd/Data/Scenes. If you already did this, then I don't know the answer. Sorry! :/

Edit: @Beast: Sorry but it's a little difficult to respond to a question in another thread. I still don't know the best way to do this :/


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