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Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here

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Joined in Nov 2020

1160 投稿
April 16, 2022
FG259 has some stutter but otherwise so far so good. 👍 😎

Happy Easter weekend. <(^_^)>
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 16, 2022 (edited)
Bonne fête de Pâques @Socialhazard. J'espère que le lapin vous a apporté quelque chose de sucré
Happy Easter @Socialhazard. I hope the bunny brought you somethang sweet 😎👍
Joined in Nov 2020

1160 投稿
April 17, 2022

😄 You too man. 😎
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 21, 2022 (edited)
iStripperに関する全て / Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here
FG260-270 Eleven WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run &/or remix on iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG265 & FG269 demonstrate two ways of combining two shaders in one scene. Note: FG262, FG264 & FG27...
Je crois que c'est ma carte graphique qui doit être changée
@ComteDracula , Je crois que vous avez raison. Il semble que la mémoire de la carte graphique soit ce qui est nécessaire. Pas tellement la RAM sur la carte mère
@ComteDracula ,I believe you are correct..It looks like the memory on the graphics card is what is required to deal with any 4K models' stutter. Not so much the RAM on the mother board
Joined in Nov 2020

1160 投稿
April 21, 2022

Works fine. 👍 😎
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 21, 2022
Thanks man...good news 😉
Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
April 21, 2022
Oui, toutes les scènes compilent @EverthangForever, Merci
Peut-être un léger bégaiement pour EF-FG267 et 270
Avez-vous déjà pensé à faire une scène "Only Glass"?

Yes, all the scenes compile @EverthangForever, Thank you
Maybe a slight stutter for EF-FG267 and 270
Have you ever thought of doing an "Only Glass" scene?
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 21, 2022 (edited)
C'est bien.. merci @Philours.
Catégorie de verre ? Non, je ne l'ai pas fait. J'ai vu les clips de verre apparaître de temps en temps dans des scènes normales de jeu mais n'ont rien fait de spécifique pour le verre depuis FG024. La scène était beaucoup de travail et il n'y avait pas beaucoup de vrais commentaires positifs.

Thats good.. thanks @Philours.
Glass category ? No I have not. I have seen the glass clips come up occasionally in normal scenes play
but have not made anything specific for glass since FG024. That scene was a lot of work & there wasn't
much real positive feedback.
Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
April 21, 2022
Ha d'accord @EF, cette FG024 doit être plus ancienne car je ne l'ai pas. Merci pour la réponse.
Ha ok @EF, this FG024 must be older as I don't have it. Thank you for the answer.
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 21, 2022 (edited)
Cela a été fait en décembre 2017
mieux vaut l'exécuter avec au moins une demi-douzaine de cartes à clipser verre dans 'Suivant'

best to run this with at least half a dozen glass clip cards in 'Next'
Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
April 21, 2022
Aucun problème, la scène sélectionne d'elle même les bons clips. (Je n'utilise pas de liste de lecture)
Merci beaucoup @EverthangForever 😊👌👍

No problem, the scene itself selects the right clips. (I don't use a playlist)
Thank you very much @EverthangForever 😊👌👍
Joined in Jul 2020

1170 投稿
April 21, 2022
FG024. That scene was a lot of work & there wasn't much real positive feedback.
@EverthangForever Yes the scene works fine 👍 just downloaded it. I guess the lack of feedback just happens sometimes. I can see why it was a lot of work, getting all the little background clips to appear just in the right place.
Some of us think the glass clips are awesome 😍
iStripperに関する全て / Glass clips are awesome
In case no one has mentioned it lately, the glass clips are well worth the effort to get this to work. Well. Worth. It. Avery's Siren Song, clip 10. Dang. Thank you iStripper.
Joined in Aug 2017

1342 投稿
April 22, 2022
Thank you so much @EverthangForever. Everything is compiling nicely. 😊

Merci beaucoup @EverthangForever. Tout compile bien. 😊
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 23, 2022
Merci @ComteDracula . Le week-end prochain - premier strip-tease sur des montagnes russes

Thank you @ComteDracula . Next weekend - first striptease on a roller coaster
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 28, 2022 (edited)
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
April 28, 2022
Imho, the biggest limitations of the iStripper fullscreen platform are that it only
allows a single channel for seed textures, with no live mouse, no embedable sound
and few keyboard interactions.

I do not understand what you mean by "a single channel for seed textures". Each fragment shader can have up to 5 input channels and you can use as many shaders as you want each with their own input channels.

The inability to attach these channels to the mouse, the keyboard, an audio stream or video other than an iStripper clip is, howeve,r something that is much missed - as is, to a lesser extent, the ability to output to an audio stream.
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 28, 2022 (edited)
yes,..exactly. I meant 'inability to attach' the other channels in the ways done in WebGL platforms.
Joined in Aug 2017

1342 投稿
April 29, 2022
Interesting scene on the roller coaster. 😊

I wondered if the speed of the background could have been variable. Example faster on the way down, and slower on the way back up?

Intéressante la scène sur les montagnes russes. 😊

Je me suis demandé si la vitesse de l'arrière plan aurait pu être variable. Exemple plus rapide en descente, et plus lente lors de la remontée ?
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 29, 2022
cette suggestion est une possibilité intéressante...
Peut-être en exécutant deux shaders à des vitesses différentes dans
framebuffers et alternant leur opacité dans
le nœud sprite post-caméra. Synchronisation de cela
serait le problème et nécessiterait le niveau de compétence de @TheEmu.

that suggestion is an interesting possibility...
Maybe by running two shaders at different speeds in
framebuffers and alternating their opacity in
the post camera sprite node. Synchronizing that
would be the problem & require the skill level of @TheEmu.
Joined in Dec 2008

227 投稿
April 30, 2022 (edited)
If one puts a shader fragment in a quad, the opacity of the quad connot be controlled.

Experts : Is this true?
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
April 30, 2022
If one puts a shader fragment in a quad, the opacity of the quad connot be controlled.

You can specify a colour and opacity for the quad but these will be inputs to the shader and only the values assigned by the shader itself will be used. You can read the input values and assign their values to the output within the shader. Animate clauses for the colour and opaciry will have no effect as these are effectvely parameters to a default shader that is not used if you provide your own.

Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 30, 2022 (edited)
After the camera is declared, It depends on the shader. If the shader properties make
say black transparent, then the rendered quad will have that property.
To make all the shader output be affected by a .scn opacty setting, I usually have to first render
the quad with the shader in a framebuffer and apply the opacity setting to that outcome
in a sprite node later. as below..
framebuffer {
id: Torus2
size: 1920, 1080
pos: 0, 0, 0
quad {
size: 1920, 1080
pos: 0, 0, 0
hotspot: 0.0, 0.0
shader: fragment, Shaders/HaleyHalcyon/undulaMod01.fsh

camera {
type: 3D
angle: 45
pos: 0, 0, 1280

Sprite {
source: Torus2
size: 1920, 1080
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
pos: 0, 0, 0
opacity: 0.2 // <----here
scale: 1, -1
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
April 30, 2022 (edited)
To expand n my previous answer

A quad's colour and opacity as specified in the .scn file are passed a fragment shader as the four components of the predefined vec4 gl_Color. A shader's output is whatever the shader assigns to the vec4 gl_FragColor.

Typically a shader will calculate the output based on various inputs, one of which may be gl_Color. If it uses any components of gl_Color as part of the calculation then the valuses specified for Color and Opactity the .scn file will affect the output from the shader.

In many shaders the sahder will first calculate a some result and then multiply it by gl_Color, eg..

vec4 Result;
Result = The result of some complec calculation not innvolving gl_Color;
gl_FragColor = Result * gl_Color;

This multiplication by gl_Color is usualy the last thing done in the shader. If it is not already being done then adding

gl_FragColor = gl_FragColor * gl_Color;

as the final statement will provide the desired effect.

In my earlier post I stated that animate clauses for color and opacity will have no effect if a shader isused - I am no longer sure about that (though I seem toremember that it is true) I have no time to double check due to the snooker semi-finals taking precedence.
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
April 30, 2022 (edited)
I would have thought animate clauses are run in sprite nodes without any shader being a direct parameter of them.
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 1, 2022 (edited)
I would have thought animate clauses are run in sprite nodes without any shader being a direct parameter of them.

My guess is that they are run but that the results that they create are not used if a user supplied shader is specified.

The most obvious way to implement the animate clauses would be as a "compute shader" (this is something that is run at a very early stage in the graphics pipeline before even the geometry and vertex shaders are run) in order to calculate simple global variables. It is even posssible that the values are theoretically available as fragment shader inputs (in the form of uniform variables, like the elapsed time which another such variable output from the "compute shader" stage) but if so I have no idea if this is how Totem have implemented it or, if so, swhat names they would have.
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
May 1, 2022 (edited)
Returning to @DrDoom9"s original question..
If one puts a shader fragment in a quad, the opacity of the quad connot be controlled ?

As @TheEmu has described..the quad's opacity cannot be controlled using .scn parameters
within the same node that the shader is acting because the shader takes over many of those properties.

However for building scene effects, one can refer the output of that shader into a subsequent
shaderless sprite node, where that output is able to be affected by the sprite node's parameters like opacity or animate.
Joined in Dec 2008

227 投稿
May 1, 2022
@TheEmu, @EverthangForever

Thank you for your explanations. I haven't fully digested them yet, but I will.
The simple question arose because I want to use a mask so as to allow an animate clause to use loopforward in fading out 1 clipsprite for another. I found the simple quad works, but that with a shader did not.
Joined in Dec 2008

227 投稿
May 1, 2022
@TheEmu, @EverthangForever

I declared a framebuffer which contains just the quad with the shader.
Then I displayed the framebuffer in a sprite, governed by an animated opacity.
It worked perfectly.

Many Thanks!
Joined in Oct 2009

2519 投稿
May 5, 2022 (edited)
iStripperに関する全て / Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here
FG282-292 Eleven WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run &/or remix on iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG282 uses an open directory for texture2D. FG283 & FG291 use a transparent backed shader over a ba...
Qui sait comment rendre le noir transparent dans le shader de jorge
Does anyone know how to make the black become transparent in jorge's shader
below. ??. I would be grateful to know. So far, using the usual alpha length fix
gl_FragColor.a = length(gl_FragColor.rgb);
doesn't seem to work 😕


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