This forum’s collection of VG lovers is unique, filled with guys and girls who like their models in many sizes and shapes. Totem does a great job of bringing each of us plenty of women to admire and examine. Over the years I’ve come to appreciate physical features that I’d ignored in the past because I had access to so many women who fit my narrow idea of a Perfect Woman’s body that there was no need to expand my horizons. The demos have changed me, as I’ve watched girl upon girl whirl their way across my screen, shedding clothes, smiling, spreading fun (and legs). I now appreciate lots of body types, and noses and breasts and asses.
But I still prefer some types over others, of course, and this particular collection seems backwards, imho.
Of the nine pictured girls for this year’s competition, only Krystel, Laura, Sendy, Giselle and Axelle have asses I really, really like. Ariel’s ass is too flat, Aria’s is too fat. Morgane’s is too wide, Kathy’s too blocky and flat. I would have dropped those 4 and added instead photos of Angelina *****, Beatrix, Natali Blond and Zafira….:) Wonder how that would've effected the voting?