@WA, the suggestion to uninstall was probably mine, as during the early stages of this particlar beta, an uninstall and a clean install was the only thing that enabled me to get VGHD working again. Some people have been ***** crashes on start up and reinstalling over the top did not solve this for me.
I know how you copy and backup your bin file etc, but for me its easier just to uninstall, I loose nothing because I always make sure that I answer "No"to the question that is separately and very plainly asked,"Do you want to delete your model collectiion?" So an uninstall is (for me) a safe and harmless exercise.
You are also very correct, uninstalling has never been at Totem's instruction as they say its unnecessary, but it has long been a stand option when having proplems with a program to uninstall and then reinstall, unless you have the technical background to debug the registry, which you have and I do not :)