I consider On Stage to be advertising, because TOTEM wants us to buy cards that we wouldn't buy for 2 bucks. What advertiser in their right mind would require prospective buyers to use a sample of part of thier product the buyer DOES NOT WANT, NINE TIMES before they get to see more specials? I don't know what kind of idiots they think we are that we would have to see a demo 9 times to know we don't want to buy the card.
Waiting 3 days, 5 days, or forever depending on how the software works for you for a 10 card special instead of waiting 1 day for an 8 card special is definitely a less appealing advertisiemnt than we were getting. TOTEM is evidently doing well enough that they can rely on the 2 dollar cards and the subscriptions, and now the special 1 dollar cards are an afterthought. For myself, I have over 500 cards. I may buy a 2 dollar card if I really grow to like a model, but since they took the specials off the web page I'm not going to jump through hoops or wait forever for more specials. Once my 19 credits are used and the rest of my 6 month subscription is done, then my collection won't grow by another card.