Colour me,CRAZY.But when I was watching,the show,of Jasmine Andreas:Sunshine Coast:...The lizard tatoo,she had on the left side of her Beautiful belly,when she left the screen, for a second.Was now on,the right side, of her Beautiful,but STRANGE,belly.When she came back..Now ,Iv come up with two theories..One;She has a sense of humor.That is very rare,in show girls.She never really smiles,during the show.Its more like,a smirk,a nice smirk.But not a smile.My next theory is.Shes a genious.Because now,I have to buy,another show of hers.Just to see ,what fun and games,shes up to now,,Maybe,her fake eye,will fall out.and roll around the floor,And she`ll pick it up, and put it back, in her head.And maybe,then, she`ll smile, I Don`t know.... But I cant wait to find out.