@FalconAFAnd I can only download 3K cards...no 4K ones anymore.
I think this to be a bug, which should be reported.
I have been a Premium member in the past, but am not anymore.
And on "normal" versions I remember I could re-download on 4K
the shows which I did buy during my Premium membership time.
I may be wrong, but I think the software to be wanted and expected to work this way, by Totem itself.
There could also be the case your Premium membership to have been terminated for some reason much time ago, without you even noticing it, so you never got rights to download these shows on 4K.
Anyway, everything looks quite strange, since here on forum your profile is still labeled as a Premium one...
My advice is trying to downgrade to 1.2.378 (which, at the end, still is the last real stable version of this software) and see what happens then with such shows.