No but the law as it is now should not exist.But it does exist - and it exists for a very good reason.
I don't see any good reason other then people don't want to acccept the result of their decision/action.
Again i understand to stop sell and remove the name but not the download.
Which would only be possible, let alone practical, for a small proportion of the things that the law covers.
So the law should not exist as it is. They should have work this out better.
They do, if you tell them. It's your choice as to whether you want the credits or the card.
And I did for almost all girls. She and a other girl I still have.
That was not the point I try to make. Totem is ***** to give back the credit. I don't now if it is by law but it is for there image/reputation.
I do look at both side me (customer) and Totem. It feel like Totem is the loser as they give credit back but do not get the money back from the girl. That's not fair in my eyes.
So what do you do for all those things that exist but the supplier has gone out of business.
The only service that would be a problem is Steam. There for I do not buy many games and wait untill i can get them for less then 20 euro. The ***** is less if it happens.
I know life change when people age and regret thing they did in the past. Up to a point I can and will accept that but in this case of the law and totem it's just not fair for all but the girl.
To make sure again. I do not blame the girl for wanting to change thing from the past because her life is taking a differend direction. But there must be a better way where it is fair for all.