Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Tina
Scarica gratis DIRETTORE (Oliver Nanto): "Marion Cotillard comes to do a strip just for you :) WHAT A GODDESS !!!! Her legs, her eyes, her hair, her height ... Tina is a revelation like I rarely see. A sensual and smiling show (and a panties to remember)"
Total 23 clips divided in Standing 8, Pole 7, Behind TB 1 and On TB 7. No touching/rubbing. Bare feet in a few clips of each cliptype. Starting Nude (at least no panties)
one Standing, one Pole and two TB clips. Starting Real Full Nude (wearing nothing) one Standing and two TB clips.
I knew Tina as Tina Reese already from several other sites, where I liked her for her beauty and funnyness. One of her charms are her special eyes. In her first card for
iStripper Tina is gorgeous, both face and body. I love her ponytail. The total black outfit was great: the fashionable, sexy dress, the panties and the platform heels. She
looks like the ideal girlfriend with whom you go to a party, dance, have fun, kiss and end with unbottening her dress. Maybe Tina helps you and you do it together!
In the Standing and Pole clips there are many upskirts. The short dress gives perfect views on her long legs. In her performance Tina moves with elegant steps and
gracious arm and hand movements. Many times she bites on her lips. She shows a diversity of facial expressions. Tease is her hallmark. In the TB clips more grace and
tease. From several angles one can enjoy her beauty!
The rating: Standing 4,85 (grace, beauty and tease), Pole 4,75 (grace, beauty and tease, no special skills), Taskbar 5 (grace, beauty and tease), Beauty 5 (face and body,
special eyes) and Outfit 5 (sexy dress, special panties). Total 24,6/5 = 4,92--->5 stars. Tina was right when she told @OliverNanto that she would become one of the top
ten most popular models. Anyway for me!!!
As Song of the Show “Such a Fool for You” by Ike&TINA Turner&The Ikettes: “I know you don't love me - But I still hang on - I love you too much - To try to leave you alone
But I wanna know (I wanna know) - I wanna know (I wanna know) - What make me be (I wanna know) - Such a fool for you, now, baby - I'm such a fool for you (now, baby)..”
Her performance is superb – she oozes femininity – she oozes sexiness – she’s elegant – she’s mesmerising – she has the X-factor - she’s phenomenal.
Disappointing photo set...not a single nude full butt shot. There should be four plus of these shots in every photo set.
The dress is perfect - very short and showing off her long legs.
Then in the last standing clip the panties come off first and that seals it.
Me likey.
7 pole clips, 8 standing and 8 table. A 4.5min full strip standing, a 3min on the pole and another on the table. No swing, glass or in-out. Sequential short clips of 1-2mins, apart from the starts-nude behind-the-table clip, which is a bit of a surprise when it appears. The shoes come off in each format and she sometimes dances on her toes, but her delicate figure even looks good flat-footed. Starts-nude clips in each format, plenty of upskirts and she opens her legs frequently (10 full nudity clips), but there’s no fingering in this show.
The only technical fault I noticed is that a couple of clips lose focus suddenly, before correcting themselves – perhaps an auto-focus fault on the camera. The stretchy dress, worn bra-less with unremarkable black knickers, is invariably peeled off downwards – convenience over variety. The loose pony-tail frames her face without dominating and the light make-up accentuates her smooth skin and light tan (her small breasts are noticeably un-tanned, but there are no tan-lines on her back or bum). I get the impression that Tina, as the card description says, could develop into a top performer, as she increases in confidence. This is a good, natural first show, from a very attractive girl.
I really wish we could do a seperate rating for the photography because it seems to be that totem uses amateur art photographers who use so large an aperture that hardly anything is in focus.
I'm still giving 5 stars simply for her beauty.
with her gorgeous alert face, her eyes, her expressive lip biting
& that cute chuckling smile. Totem struck gold.. a true Goddess in da
making...Want more. Love the places she takes me to. Bravo @TinaTeam
Please, encore!
Perfect body. The performance could be better.
Little bit boring, but ok, I think she is new in
the game, and I hope for more cards of her.
Maybe we have a new-come star her...
that is what i wanna sing when i see you dance or not. Tina reese.
Awesome to enjoy you here.
Five stars indeed.
We need more from her!
C'est l'impression que j'ai eu en la voyant for the first time. Elle aussi fait un peu dans le breakdance, il y aurait-il un nouveau chorégraphe in the crew? :)
Hey ma chérie! Tu n'es pas obligée de montrer ta chatte, ta présence nous suffit...
タトゥーがないのが魅力てき綺麗に見える 自分の好みだが
P.S. There are a few lovely pantyless moments. And I think this hairstyle suits her best.
Ensemble noir mettant à merveille son corps nu sulfureux en valeur...
Ses seins,sa vulve,ses pieds,ses fesssses!!!!
Romeo n'en peut plus de gonfler sur sa beauté...
More Tina,please!
Un seul regret qu'elle ne dévoile pas plus son magnifique petit cul quand elle est à quattre pattes......Espèrons pouvoir l'admirer sur un prochain show!!!!!!!!!!
die allerschönste im kleinen schwarzen.
Elle a de belles coubres douces.