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Scarica gratis DIRETTORE (Ethan): "Very sexy moves and graceful at the pole dance, Stella is a fitness teacher and you can see it’s obvious she knows how to move her body, splits, spread eagles and upside down at the pole !"
Touching/rubbing: yes. Bare feet in two TB clips; heels stay on in all Standing and Pole clips.
Starting Nude (no panties) one Standing, one Pole and two TB clips. RFN one TB clip.
Stella has a perfect trained body with the ideal proportions. I like in particular her well formed butt.
Stella must be made aware that her face tends to harden during the show and misses then the necessary softness.
I’m not a fan of the special costumes: it was for me okay, except for the string. I liked the mutch on her head.
In the Standing clips Stella moves very easy on the platform heels and does several splits. It’s a strong sexually and professional oriented performance.
The Pole clips are the best one can get. She jumps at the pole, glides next upside down, goes from standing position
to a horizontal split. It’s all perfect and it’s not becoming an acrobatic performance.
In the TB clips Stella does a flawless show going from the one posture to the other. She reminds me of Mikki.
I like the way she stretches her legs, does again splits, plays with her lips (#15 and #17) and shakes her plump ass. In #14 removal of stockings.
The rating: Standing 4,75 (some more playfullness needed); Pole 5 (professional); Taskbar 5; Beauty 4,75 (- ¼ hardened face)
and Outfit 4,75 (- ¼ for string). Total 24,25/5 = 4,85---> 5 stars. Professional performer!!!
As Song of the Show “Wasmasjien” from the Dutch-Surinam Band “Trafassi”: It’s about a man who needs a maid for doing his washings.
”Kleine wasjes, grote wasjes - Doe ze in je, wasmasjien.........Zoals je weet heb ik geen tijd -
Dus zocht ik een flinke meid - Om voor mij de was te doen - Maar die dame vroeg steeds meer poen”
”Small laundry, big laundry - Put them in the washing machine.....Like you know, I don’t have time -
So I was looking for a big maid - To do the laundry for me - But that maid asked more and more moolah "
Wow… she’s a super-hot babe – she has the X-Factor – she has ‘IT’!!!
Who wouldn’t want to give her lots of cuddles and kisses and hugs and pats all over!!!
Beautiful!!! Truly beautiful… and her super-gorgeous pussy leaves one totally awestruck!!! Excellent pussy exposure!!!
She could light up any guy’s fire with her amazing beauty, charm, femininity and sexiness.
I'm indifferent to maid costumes. I prefer more feminine facial features than hers but she has an incredible body and knows how to shake her @ss. She should have spent more time in total nudity to show off that body. Also, why bother with only one XXX segment? I saw notthing XXX in that segment anyway.
J'ai déjà tout dis sur sa première carte en tout cas merci de relevé le niveau de ce mois d'avril par sa présence.
Le show est magnifique, Stella est super douée et nous joue un érotisme à fleur de peau extrêmement excitant. Du grand art :)
C'est vrai que ce n'est pas un show très xxx
Mais en revanche on peut admirer la façon de bouger de la miss. On la regarde sans modération
Complete Awesome Show