Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Nici
Scarica gratis DIRETTORE (Ethan): "Über sexy dress, it can open in so many different ways, let’s try to explore in this card all the techniques she uses to undress glamourously. No bra of course, as her perfect natural tits fits in place and are hidden just the way they should be to be arousing... Well, at least if she doesn't move. If she does, ‘arousing’ is not the right term anymore"
13 standing clips, 3 on the table and none behind. No swing, but 5 of the standing clips are in-out (from either side of the screen). I expected the housework costume to lead to a glass scene, but no; maybe they could have given her a paintbrush and some whitewash for the glass, or a mop for the floor. 3min full strips and nude starts in each format (standing, table and standing in-out). 8 clips rated full nudity, though the explicit poses are very brief in all but two of the table clips. Bare feet only on the table. 1 standing with the dress but no knickers. The scarf in her hair stays on.
I didn’t see any technical faults, but the direction and limited costume adds little to her already limited routine. The ***** when she moves to one side were annoying. In spite of Nici being lovely, the show was uninspired and a bit tedious – the best clips are the in-out.
Her shows are still worth every star, but this time with a caveat - the outfit choice is... somewhat uninspired. If you're saving your credits to pick the best entertainment value for your money, this probably isn't a card you'll miss.
And what an amazing card it is too! Nici is at her best in something short and revealing, the bare minimum to cover her perfection until she effortlessly strips out of it, ideally panties first. ;)
Love it!
She is very sensual, a dream woman. 5*****