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Scarica gratis DIRETTORE (Ethan): "Here we go to the bad side of Barbie, hence her name .. she loves to play innocent characters but she loves also domination games. What is more natural than to do some roleplay when you have a doll at home ? Very sensual moves and good flexibility at the pole ! Great dancing skills"
Bad Barbie performs with elegance and panache. She is so beautiful… and she knows it. Her gorgeous body is absolutely fabulous. Her slender shapely legs are incredibly beautiful. Her pussy looks awesome. Her butt is perfect. Her feet are super-sexy. She’s pretty. She’s blessed with great genes. She is pure poetry in motion.
A bad feeling for something "fake" (like her breast).
Je jouerais bien à la poupée avec Barbie!
Muscler mon "Ken"...Mmmmhhh!!!
And a gorgeous show!