Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Ava
Scarica gratis DIRETTORE (Oliver Nanto): "What a nice and original nightdress ! Ava is giving you a breezy performance totally fitting with her innocent look. This girl is just pure beauty and her ass is a masterpiece."
I think this show is a perfect example of a uniquene potential of iStripper—to provide a "tiny, virtual, desktop companion." It's a potential whose occasional realization maintains my interest in the product, and I dare say that it has never been more fully realized than in this show (Ava's first). This show is erotic, rather than pornographic. I could not be more impressed!
Much more of Ava please !
She spent far too much time in her full outfit. She should have stripped more and had more topless and nude time. It was good when she did. Hair and makeup definitely need help.
As I said about another new girl she is a daimond in the rough. Better things will come.
Ava is fast becuming one of my new favorite performers on iStripper! She absolutely ***** in and out of any outfit, especially this one!
Bubbly, feel-good card with a touch of that 'first time' feel to it.
Ava's work is largely task-based, however she is charming & sexy 5+^80
If I wasn't already a memeber here, Ava would be the one to get me to join.
Gute bewegung
1. mal Top weiter so!
Ich bin schon ein fan von ihr!
Ava est sexy, souriante, elle bouge bien et cette tenue lui sied à ravir !
Cette fille est VRAIMENT très exitante...
Après, c'est clair que si votre truc, c'est de voir une donzelle vulgaire s'enfiler un gode de cheval dans l'anus, passez votre chemin mais, personnelement, je trouve ce premier show très réussi.
Vivement la suite !
Ava ist `das` absolut perfekte,
suuupersüße Traummädel von nebenan !!!
Ihre extrem wundervolle Ausstrahlung ist UMWERFEND !!!
bin schon jetzt schwer süchtig nach diesem engel.
kann kaum erwarten mehr von ihr zu sehen.
mindestens 10sterne+.....
Elle n'écarte pas assez ses cuisses pour certains, mais elle a quand même la plupart du temps la chatte à l'air. Elle est super mignonne et c'est un bon show avec de la lingerie bien choisie, un côté amateur qui lui va bien. Bienvenue à Ava !
1a Fickspalte
I don't really like leftovers of bathroom paper in the photos. Maybe this is a thing that's in fashion nowadays... however I don't like it so much.... personally...
I love the bottomless clips