Instala iStripper para ver este exclusivo show erótico de Alya Stark
Scarica gratis DIRETTORE (Ethan): "You’ll fall in love with her in this outfit in no time ! First, the dress is revealing as much as it’s supposed to hide, and also, her panties seams to have a same ‘issue’… Hopefully ! Alya is giving us very arousing XXX shows and genuine orgasms. Not to mention upskirts with this dress are pure eye candies."
This show counts 12 clips divided in Standing 7 and On TB 5 (2 TB clips are XXX; together ± 11½ minutes; one with fingers, one with vibrator). The TB clips are English spoken,
but most is universal moaning. No Bare feet. Starting Nude (at least no panties) two Standing and one TB clip.
Alya Stark: the Dutch word “Sterk”, which resembles “Stark” and is pronounced that way in Amsterdam, means “Strong”. That’s what she’s. Alya is not only strong, but
also twinkling. The dress is worn before by Linda Elisson in “100 Degrees/e0771”, a great show. I like this dress very much. Under the dress a red lips-splitting string. Ouch!
Not a real dance, but good moving in the Standing clips and always fascinating. Alya has good contact with @Ethan, what you can see when he stimulates her for a new action
like shaking her breasts.
Three long TB clips: #9 (officially not XXX, but for me it’s XXX) stripping of dress and string, rubbing of lips and clit. Alya moans like the cat in heat of my neighbours! Clip #11 starts
with the string on, but that’s for a very short time only. More pussy pleasuring, fingerinsertion, more moaning and a....climax. #12 starts with the dress on, but no string. With her
vibrator (used before by Sherice in f0594/Tight&Comfortable) Alya reaches higher levels of excitement ending in....a very happy and exhausted Alya.
The rating: Standing 4,8 (moves very well); Taskbar 5 (great moaning); Beauty 5 (face and body) and Outfit 4,8 (sexy dress; - 0,2 for string). Total 19,6/4 = 4,9---> 5 stars for Alya!
As Song of the Show Hank Williams with “Settin’ the Woods on Fire”: ”Comb your hair and paint and powder you act proud and I'll act prouder - You sing loud and I'll sing louder
tonight we're settin' the woods on fire - You're my gal and I'm your feller dress up in my frock and yeller - I'll look swell but you'll look sweller Settin' the woods on fire - We'll take
in all the honky tonks tonight we're having fun - We'll show the folks a brand new dance that never has been done - I don't care who thinks we're silly you'll be daffy I'll be dilly..”
As a pussy connoisseur, I love Alya’s delicious exquisite pussy. She’s beautiful when she masturbates. Love how she fingers her pussy and enjoys her orgasms. To see her using her red dildo is an absolute pleasure and a privilege, especially when she orgasms. So beautiful to see.
Amazing Performance! 5 star show!
Good image quality with vibrant colors.
Please bring Alya back for more shows.
Not this one. Alya instantly became one of my top favorites and this is easily one of my favorite cards ever. This is the one I'll throw on when I'm bored or just want an ultrasexy model of perfection moving around in the background. I can't express enough love for Alya. Hope she comes back around a couple more times!
Of the 12 clips 2 of them were XXX. She used only her fingers in the 1st one & a vibrator in the 2nd.
Im so eager for more of her....
L'explicite manquent de poses variées et une ***** totale de godage de dos on a donc pas du tout une vue sur son cul dans ce mode là.
Autre défaut cette fille en mode jambes écartées n'éloigne pas assez ses chaussures à talon occultant de temps à autre partiellement ou totalement sa chatte avec...
Le striptease est une discipline à part entière qu'il faut savoir maîtriser, c'est aussi au réalisateur à diriger ses modèles. Dans le cas présent les deux ont manqués de professionnalisme. Le côté amateur ne laisse bien sur pas indifférent, gageons que cette petite s'améliore et avec les bonnes directives!
So hot, I love her pantyless upskirt and most important she keeps her heels all the way.
Superbes clips XXX où elle se gode la merveilleuse chatte...