is there a permanent file being downloadedYes, the Preview Files are Stored Locally on your PC
If so,where is it being storedGo to the top right by your user name, and click on the down arrow.
in General:
iStripper cards start with the Letter 'e'
iStripperXXX cards start with the Letter 'f'
Classic iStripper cards start with the letter 'a'
Classic iStripperXXX cards start with the letter 'c'
VirtuaGirl Classic cards start with the letter 'd'
rem find all the Preview Clips and delete them if not part of a full card
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem create log if it does not exist
If Not exist RemovePreviewClips.log @echo off > RemovePreviewClips.log
rem Log the start time
Echo Started at %date% - %Time% >> RemovePreviewClips.log
rem search all of the possible card folders
For /D %%d in (a0???, a1????, c0???, d0???, e0???, e1???, e2??? f0???, f1???, f2???) do (
Echo checking in folder %%d
rem if the folder does not have any .vghd files, it is a preview card
@if not Exist %%d\%%d*.vghd (
Echo removing the previews from folder %%d
rem make a log of the clips
echo removing the preview clips from folder %%d >> RemovePreviewClips.log
dir %%d\*.demo >> RemovePreviewClips.log
rem delete the clips
rem in demo mode by default
rem ***************************
rem delete the rem from the line below to allow file deletion
rem del %%d\*.demo
rem ****************************
rem loop through all the folders
rem done record the time to the log
Echo Finished at %date% - %Time% >> RemovePreviewClips.log
echo Done.
rem exit
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