Content pour vous @Wyldanimal, mais je n'avais encore jamais vu une annonce aussi tardive en France.😟 Happy for you @Wyldanimal, but I had never seen such a late announcement before in France.😟
I'm currently the Top Dolz Holder on the Polygon Mainnet.
if you were a Round 1 or Round 2 buyer.
your Dolz will be included in the Dolz distribution Holder account
It looks like DOLZ has almost lost half it's value this year to date going from .024 to .013 (2.4 to 1.3 basis points) so depending on what the actual is you can buy twice as many credits or half as many credits with DOLZ you held year to date?
There is only one polygon mainnet Sometimes called network.They are one in the same.
I specifically refer to this list in the GitBook:
Perhaps I should add: My Dolz transaction via Polygon Mainnet went fine, I succesfully could buy istripper credits, you can't manually add this URL )
You pay the current exchange rate
Of Dolz to Dollars.
So as the value of Dolz fluctuates
The number of Dolz needed to purchase the package changes.
If you bought $100.00 worth of Dolz early for 0.008
You got 12,500 Dolz for your $100
Spend $249.99 usd equivalent of $DOLZ to get 3000 credits Plus 750 Bonus credits
But for members like myself and many others
Whom bought DOLZ when their value was much lower.
We will see a Higher Return from our low initial DOLZ investment.
So as long as you spend the DOLZ on credits as soon as you buy them the price of DOLZ is meaningless.
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Ma potrai accedere alle categorie e ai concetti di base ed entrare in contatto con la nostra comunità.!