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iStripper first collection of trading cards  

  Forum / Tutto su iStripper

Da In Jun 2011

480 post(s)
January 6, 2022
Face à toutes ces inquiètudes sur le devenir d'iStripper et du lancement des NFTs avec les blockchains, je constate que certains voire beaucoup ont tissé un lien "affectif" avec l'application. Bien joué iStripper!😆

Souvenez-vous du téléphone portable quand il est apparu dans les *****ées 90:
Au tout début: les gens le trouvait ridicule
Puis: ils l'ont trouvé inquiètant
Et pour finir: ils le trouvent indispensable.

Et pour chaque révolution, c'est toujours le même tiercé:

In the face of all this concern about the future of iStripper and the launch of NFTs with blockchains, I can see that some or even many have formed an "emotional" bond with the app. Well done iStripper 😆

Remember the mobile phone when it first appeared in the 1990s?
At first: people thought it was ridiculous
Then: they found it worrying
And finally: they found it indispensable.

And for each revolution, it's always the same trifecta:
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
January 6, 2022
To boldly go indeed. 👍
To make the Full Throttle! if you are not falling over your own Feet 😆
Except the last link - it's all German - I'm still learning English 😆
No worries, i'm still learning English and German 😜 😎
Da In Feb 2015

40 post(s)
January 6, 2022
We'll see how many users will begin to oppose this when the cost of the new Belka card is selling for the equivalent of 5,000 to 10,000 credits.... of course, by then, it would be too late.

And what about a secondary market? Will we be able to sell NFTs once we aquire them? If so, scalpers will flock to this new platform and buy up all the NFTs in order make a quick buck off this artificial scarcity. We're talking PS5, Xbox Series X, Nvidia GPU, Nike - Level of price gouging.
Da In Jul 2020

1170 post(s)
January 6, 2022
@Sexy3DBoy yes like the motor car 120 odd years ago. Man with a red flag used to have to walk ahead of the vehicle.
And before you ask, no I don't remember that. 😆
Da In Aug 2009

65 post(s)
January 6, 2022
Each NFT will be available in several hundred, even a thousand copies!
There will be a limited amount of it in order to create an interesting second market for everyone, but there will be no reason that you cannot buy it.

But the user can't buy copies as there are no copies unlike the painting.

Not only that if there is only view hundred to buy and the user is to late for the release and all of them are gone then he/she has noway to buy it. Just like new users. The user have to wait until someone will sell it and hoping that the price is not to high.

Look Totem can do what they want. I will continu to buy cards and play games for the SEC. I don't think iStriper will go down over this.

Users who will buy NFT should do that. It's not good or bad just a personal perspective.
Da In Mar 2019

1353 post(s)
January 6, 2022
RIDICULOUS => DANGEROUS => OBVIOUS @Sexy3DBoy yes like the motor car 120 odd years ago. Man with a red flag used to have to walk ahead of the vehicle.And before you ask, no I don't remember that. 😆

You find your memory goes as you get older.....😆
Da In Jan 2009

224 post(s)
January 6, 2022
Earlier today @kaiju said that this is not a scam and that scammers are always inventing new ways to try and defraud you.

What was conveniently missed from that post is that to obtain NFT`s we must open a crypto currency account.
Since I know very little about crypto currency, were I to open an account with my current level of knowledge, I believe that I would be leaving myself open to be defrauded by scammers.

Therefore to avoid that I will currently not be opening a crypto currency account.
This means that I cannot obtain Totems new NFT`s and that totally xxxxxx me off with Totem as I believe that every company should operate in such a way as to maximise its customer base.
Da In Nov 2010

224 post(s)
January 6, 2022
What was conveniently missed from that post is that to obtain NFT`s we must open a crypto currency account.
Since I know very little about crypto currency, were I to open an account with my current level of knowledge, I believe that I would be leaving myself open to be defrauded by scammers.

......and, since presumably the crypto provider requires verification details including a bank account number, to identity theft. Does Totem provide any guarantees regarding the legitimacy of the crypto provider? And how can you resell if the provider goes bust?
Da In Apr 2019

2 post(s)
January 7, 2022
Trying to go to the site, but it's just a purple screen, nothing is loading. No adblockers.
Da In Dec 2016

50 post(s)
January 7, 2022 (edited)
Trying to go to the site, but it's just a purple screen, nothing is loading. No adblockers.
I just checked the website, it loaded for me, but has changed since the time i looked at it last, it could have been temporarily down..
Da In Mar 2017

12 post(s)
January 7, 2022
Wait so what??? Will these cards be obtainable? If so like... how? Through ethereum or bitcoin or something like that?
Or can "Credits" work?
Da In Jan 2008

9 post(s)
January 7, 2022
I agree with what many others have said on here. This might be the beginning of the end of my time with VG / iS. :(
Pro tip: if you want to quit, you can just go without announcing it to everyone. Because nobody gives a ***** if you stay or go.

I'm pretty sure Totem cares, since I've spent a lot of money here, and may spend a lot more. But please, tell me more of your dismissive opinions. Because I'm sure further alienating concerned customers is a great help for Totem.
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
January 7, 2022

iStripper Credits and the Dolz Metaverse are two separate Worlds.
If you are interested please join the Discord Server mentioned in the Openingpost.
Tutto su iStripper / iStripper first collection of trading cards
iStripper is about to launch its first collection of trading cards! iStripper trading cards will contain the same format of iStripper shows as the current ones, but presented as numbered cards, and wi...
On Discord there is a separate Support Channel, and Kayns- _2 jon posted jesterday
this Information on that Chanel,
Make sure to be on the BSC network and then follow the step here;

By clicking on "receive" you will see your wallet address on BSC (BEP20 network)
including some Screenshots.

But like i said if you are interested, you are welcome to Join Discord to get even more Support,
and not only from the Team 👍

Because with the Timestamp of my Comment 5408 Members joined already this Server,
which are quiet a few i would say 😎
Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
January 7, 2022 (edited)
Face à toutes ces inquiètudes sur le devenir d'iStripper et du lancement des NFTs avec les blockchains, je constate que certains voire beaucoup ont tissé un lien "affectif" avec l'application. Bien joué iStripper!😆

Souvenez-vous du téléphone portable quand il est apparu dans les *****ées 90:
Au tout début: les gens le trouvait ridicule
Puis: ils l'ont trouvé inquiètant
Et pour finir: ils le trouvent indispensable.

Et pour chaque révolution, c'est toujours le même tiercé:

Pour ma part, je ne vois pas en quoi actuellement la cryptomannaie et les NFT sont indispensables.

De plus cela dépense énormément d'énergie, si j'ai bien compris pour le minage. Donc cela contribue au réchauffement de la planète, et aux divers désordres climatiques.

Pas plus indispensable pour ma part les cellulaires, et tous les réseaux sociaux de ce monde.

Juste à voir ce qui se passe au USA et ailleurs avec les réseaux sociaux, et toute la désinformation, si c'est ça le progrès j'ai des doutes.

De plus je n'ai aucun téléphone cellulaire, et je ne m'en porte que mieux. Je déteste voir les gens fixer leurs cellulaires aux 5 minutes, plutôt que de parler aux personnes, qui sont autour d'eux dans la vraie vie.

Il y a de faux besoins qui se sont créés au niveau technologique, pour enrichir certaines compagnies, et il n'y a pas seulement des avantages. Quand je vois toute l'obsolescence programmée des appareils, la pollution que cela génère. Les gens qui font la file pour être les premiers à avoir la nouvelle génération de iphone, alors que leur appareil est encore bon. Oui c'est RIDICULE et DANGEREUX pour la planète, et nous par le fait même qui en sommes les résidents.

Si ça continue, nos jeunes vont passer plus de temps dans un univers virtuel, qui leur convient que dans la vraie vie, qui implique son lot de difficultés, mais qui est nécessaire à la construction de soi.

Quand je regarde un certain ex président américain, (et il n'y a pas que lui), utiliser à mauvais escient les réseaux sociaux et dire des menteries, sans honte et sans gêne, je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que c'est ÉVIDENT que quelqu'un de RIDICULE, peut avec l'aide de certaines technologies devenir DANGEREUX.

La technologie permet des crimes économiques à plus grande échelle, sans trop de risque pour certains escrocs de se faire prendre. On l'a vu ici au Canada avec la CPU, une aide gouvernementale devant aider les gens avec perte de revenu avec la pandémie. Aide qui n'a pas profiter à certaines personnes qui en avait besoin, et qui a été dans les poches de ces escrots. Cela dû en grande partie à des vols d'identité. Nous avons vécus cela ici au Québec à cause de négligences informatiques d'institution financière, dont une plus particulièrement, dont je ne nommerais pas le nom. Cette institution avait négligé le fait que quelqu'un de l'intérieur un employé puisse copier des données et les vendre à des gens sans scrupules, pour des "pinottes" en plus.

Depuis nous ne savons plus si un jour ou l'autre, on va vivre un vol d'identité, et être fraudés, car des infos personnelles se sont retrouvés sur le dark Web. Infos qui devaient être protégées par ces institutions.

Belle affaire parfois le progrès.

Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
January 7, 2022 (edited)
In the face of all this worry about the future of iStripper and the launch of NFTs with blockchains, I see that some or even many have formed an "emotional" bond with the app. Well done iStripper!😆

Remember the cell phone when it first appeared in the 90s:
At the very beginning: people thought it was ridiculous
Then: they found it disturbing
And finally: they found it indispensable.

And for each revolution, it's always the same trifecta:

For my part, I don't see how currently cryptocurrency and NFTs are indispensable.

Moreover it spends a lot of energy, if I understood correctly for mining. So it contributes to global warming, and to the various climatic disorders.

Not more essential for my part the cell phones, and all the social networks of this world.

Just to see what is happening in the USA and elsewhere with social networks, and all the disinformation, if this is progress I have doubts.

Besides, I don't have any cell phone, and I'm better off for it. I ***** to see people staring at their cell phones every 5 minutes, instead of talking to people, who are around them in real life.

There are false needs that have been created in technology, to make some companies rich, and there are not only advantages. When I see all the programmed obsolescence of devices, the pollution that it generates. People lining up to be the first to have the new generation of iphone, while their device is still good. Yes, it's RIDICULOUS and DANGEROUS for the planet, and us by the same token who are the residents.

If this continues, our young people will spend more time in a virtual universe, which suits them, than in real life, which involves its share of difficulties, but which is necessary to build oneself.

When I watch a certain ex-American president, (and it's not only him), misusing social networks and telling lies, without shame or embarrassment, I can't help but think that it's EVIDENT that someone RIDICULOUS, can with the help of certain technologies become DANGEROUS.

Technology allows economic crimes on a larger scale, without much risk for some crooks to get caught. We saw it here in Canada with the CPU, a governmental aid that was supposed to help people with loss of income with the pandemic. This aid did not benefit some people who needed it, and went into the pockets of these crooks. Much of this was due to identity theft. We have experienced this here in Quebec because of computer negligence of financial institutions, one in particular, which I will not name. This institution had neglected the fact that someone inside an employee could copy data and sell them to unscrupulous people, for "peanuts" moreover.

Since then, we don't know if one day or another, we will live an identity theft, and be defrauded, because personal information was found on the dark Web. Information that should be protected by these institutions.

Nice business sometimes progress.
Da In Jan 2008

13 post(s)
January 7, 2022
These NTF's do not mean you actual own it in this case so you will still get a DMCA takedown and you cannot use outside of iStripper so even if you paid $50k for the NFT of a card, you still are only allowed to use it within the legal rights of iStripper and no to use for profit by yourself or company.

So go for it, have fun with something you do not actually have any legal right to except saying you have a NTF.
Da In Nov 2010

224 post(s)
January 7, 2022
So go for it, have fun with something you do not actually have any legal right to except saying you have a NTF.

As I understand it, you buy an NFT which is a license to use the card, so you do have a legal right to it. The card itself remains iStripper copyright, but the NFT confers and unrestricted license to play it using the iS software.

I imagine that the card itself will be on the iStripper servers in the normal way and encrypted in the normal way, but it will only be downloadable and playable if the NFT is linked to your iS account. If you can sell the NFT, you will no longer be able to download or play the card, but the buyer will. You might make a profit on selling it, or a loss
Da In Feb 2020

2 post(s)
January 7, 2022
NFT IS *****
Da In May 2008

4 post(s)
January 8, 2022
Going to cancel my premium if NFT's are coming. I do not suppot this at all.
Da In Dec 2008

146 post(s)
January 8, 2022
I am not interested, but i wish Totem good luck with the project and hope the buyers will appreciate the cards.
Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
January 8, 2022
I would like to see the SEC stop here, and Totem look to make its money on NFT cards, for those who are going to want to invest in them.

But I guess I must be dreaming in color?

J'aimerais que les SEC cessent ici, et que Totem cherche à faire son argent avec les cartes NFT, pour ceux qui vont vouloir y investir.

Mais j'imagine que je dois rêver en couleur ?
Da In May 2011

69 post(s)
January 8, 2022 (edited)
Hey, are their also dolls / sculptures (see image) included with the cards ?,
or is this all vitrual.

io sound like it for apple iphones etc.

BTW. im not so into crypto coins.
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
January 8, 2022
BTW. im not so into crypto coins.
Da In May 2011

69 post(s)
January 8, 2022
I would likely buy only 1 sculptures of my fav. star, and place it in my high-end pc.

Best regards
Da In Nov 2008

1848 post(s)
January 8, 2022 (edited)
how our grandchildren will look at us when we tell them that the world is in the current state because we ***** energy and money to create fake money to buy only digital stuff to trade it like its unique although its only bytes that anyone can copy once it's stored on his hdd. I can't see how a blockchain would prevent you from copying bytes. And yes you can make a program that checks if you have the right to play a show just like the old copy protections on PC Games and DVDs but you can always hack that stuff or find someone who can.
And we are talking of energy that would be sufficient for a small country. Won't be long before it will be enough energy ***** with that 'mining' to run a middle sized country.
This is just nuts. I will not support crypto currency as long as this insane mining process is part of it.
Da In Jun 2011

480 post(s)
January 8, 2022
J'aimerais que les SEC cessent ici, et que Totem cherche à faire son argent avec les cartes NFT, pour ceux qui vont vouloir y investir.

Mais j'imagine que je dois rêver en couleur ?
@ComteDracula, Et en Panavision! 😆😂
Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
January 8, 2022
J'aurais dû dire en technicolor finalement @Sexy3DBoy. 😆

Hey, are their also dolls / sculptures (see image) included with the cards ?,
or is this all vitrual.

Yes there will even be a blow-up doll in the image of the girl, and by putting on a virtual headset you will feel like you are having sex with her. 😊

It's a joke obviously, and in the end I'm totally indifferent to it.

Hé, est-ce qu'il y a aussi des poupées / sculptures (voir image) incluses avec les cartes ?
ou c'est tout ce qui est vital.

Oui il va même y avoir une poupée gonflabe à l'image de la fille, et en mettant un casque virtuel on va avoir l'impression de faire l'amour avec elle. 😊

C'est une blague évidemment, et au final, cela me laisse vraiment indifférent.

Da In Jun 2008

40 post(s)
January 8, 2022
coming from a Full collection chaser like myself I'll be spending the rest of my credits and I'll happily watch the thosand's of shows and stop giving them money.

This NFT scam is just that and it's insulting to be ***** to participate to continue to have a full collection.

Sorry Totem. BAD MOVE !
Da In Apr 2016

285 post(s)
January 9, 2022
They really do look so fresh & so sweet..But, I'm assuming these are purely digital? They aren't an actual physical card? If so, that's not appealing at all to me. To each their own. 💜😎
Da In Jun 2011

480 post(s)
January 9, 2022
Quel est le problème avec les NFTs? 😎

C'est juste une oeuvre numérique avec un titre de propriété calculé "miné" pour en garantir l'authenticité. Rien n'empêche d'en avoir une copie à l'instar des peintures, sculptures, etc.
=> Il me semble que le plus important, c'est apprécier les miss sur le bureau.😉

What's wrong with NFTs? 😎

It's just a digital work with a calculated title "mined" to guarantee its authenticity. There is nothing to prevent you from having a copy of it like paintings, sculptures, etc.
=> It seems to me that the most important thing is to appreciate the misses on the desk.😉

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