I would like to answer you.You are welcome :)
Firstly, personally I am very satisfied with Totem's product, since I would no longer buy their product.That's right we don't need to Discuss about that, otherwise your Collection would be way smaller.
It is not a recognition problem that we are dealing with here.Honestly, i'm not 100% sure to have trust in to this Statement,
The problem here is called "Customer Frustration". "Unnecessary provocation by putting certain tempting cards on display,The problem is that Frustration is developed each in us own for ourself.
with the aim of getting people to participate in games of chance to obtain them, without certain certainty of obtaining them,
and this, at the risk of having to spend big and to end up with products they did not want ".
All the better if you are satisfied.So you see you can be Happy about each others, because many many other people in our World
So much the better if you want to play games of chance. If that is your desire, I have nothing against it.Here is the Difference, i don't want to play these Games maybe ... a big maybe in the Future, i don't know.
But someone at Totem is going to have to realize, that there are people who refuse to participate in these games of chanceNevermind, you were already the one, which was realizing to not to participate in these Games,
for various reasonsAbsolutely, and you have your own Reason for not participating in these Gambling Games.
and that these people are ready to pay more if it is. necessary to obtain them.Unfortunately, everything in this World has it's Price it is what it is. And when you don't want to pay
Just a possibility to have them and have the full collection of the girls we love and appreciateTotem is giving you these possibilities, obtaining them through Gambling, and other methods
without continually getting them in the face to stoke our frustration.Like i was saying on the beginning, either Totem or the SEC in front to your Face,
We don't need morals. We are adults and very capable of understandingSo you see, you are already completely aware for the important Facts.
that Totem is in business and needs to make money to survive and keep paying its costs.
Who are you to judge people, tell them that they need therapy and that they are "big, crying babies"?When you are reading between the Lines, you should see that i'm not doing that.
When you are reading between the Lines, you should see that i'm not doing that.
But like i was saying on my previous Post, at this Point i will put my Focus in another Direction.
Good Luck for your SEC's👍
It is true that the fact that the rules for acquiring SECs have changed has contributed to this frustration.
That I can understand, but the original rules for acquiring SECs meant that if you missed the initial event for such a card (e.g. because you were on holiday or joined iStripper after they were introduced) then you could never obtain that SEC. As it happens I did miss out on an early SEC, but I just accepted it rather than get annoyed at Totem. The later change in rules allowed me to obtain it anyway.
But honestly, this is not what justified Totem's policy change.
Pour ma part @RAGORN, si vous lisez le début de ce fil de discussion, vous allez comprendre qu'il y a longtemps que j'ai personnellement renoncé aux SEC que je n'ai plus aucun espoir, ni ne fait confiance à Totem pour changer des choses, même si j'aimerais fortement avoir des réponses claires. Car comme je le disais, ce silence de Totem, et de voir que celui-ci ne fait rien pour calmer la grogne de plusieurs clients, m'exaspère. Il n'y a qu'à voir le nombre de fils de discussion sur ce sujet pour s'en convaincre. [...]Au contraire. J'encourage encore plus les gens qui veulent ces cartes, à ne plus participer aux jeux de hasard, comme je l'ai fait avec @Voyeurpervers.
@Stanton something you might have noticed, a lot of people who express their dislike of the gambling games are long time members. You opened an account in 2018, when SECs were already around, so that was already the norm at the time.
When you've been collecting cards for 5/10 years, therefore supporting the company over time in some way, and suddenly you're told there are cards you can't get even if you pour in hundreds of credits, it doesn't really feel like "your loyalty is valued".
I'm not naive, I know a business doesn't care much about my "loyalty", and is just looking for a way to keep the big wallets coming and attract new customers, and try to make everyone spend as much as possible. Business is business.
As a whole I understand your point & agree with you, after all this is just an entertaining app and SECs represent less than 0.5% of all available cards, so it's not a big deal.
I am just making a few suggestions here and telling people from experience that gambling is not worth it if you're chasing SECs. As many others said before me, if we don't like something, best way is to stop taking part in it.
I agree we should relax about this, be patient & enjoy the girls.
I did not claim that it was,
Totem introduced SECs
Some people ***** about the rules for obtaining them.
Totem changed the rules to go some way to meeting the original objections.
Some people ***** about the new rules for obtaining them.
They could have simply stuck with the original rules.
In any case, by selling these more expensive SEC cards, they will be profitable and this will allow Totem to recover these costs.
It is certain that there may still be discontented (there are always), but at least collectors will have a possibility of acquiring these cards.
My prediction is that if the SECs were simply sold at a price that was even slightly above the cost of a normal card, let alone the much higher price that we think may be necessary to make up for the reduced participation in the gambling games, then there would be as many, or perhaps even more, complaints than there are currently.
It would, of course, be a different matter if the cards themselves were special, but they are not.
Ce a quoi Totem devrait penser est que acheter des cartes spéciales 100 ou 200 crédits pourrait être envisager par beaucoup d'entre nous. Ce qui gêne est que même dépenser plus aux jeux de hasard ne garanti pas l'obtention des dites cartes. 100 ou 200 crédits devrait permettre a Totem de rentrer largement dans ses frais.
something you might have noticed, a lot of people who express their dislike of the gambling games are long time members. You opened an account in 2018, when SECs were already around, so that was already the norm at the time.That is true, in compare to yourself and many other Users, i'm not that long on iStripper.
When you've been collecting cards for 5/10 years, therefore supporting the company over time in some way,That is indeed a good/important Point, but we (including myself) didn't talk to anyone from the Team in personal
and suddenly you're told there are cards you can't get even if you pour in hundreds of credits, it doesn't really feel like "your loyalty is valued".
I'm not naive, I know a business doesn't care much about my "loyalty", and is just looking for a way to keep the big wallets coming and attract new customers, and try to make everyone spend as much as possible. Business is business.That is not a 100% true. As i told earlier in this Topic from that Company which i was working for almost 7 Years.
I agree we should relax about this, be patient & enjoy the girls.That's right, i'm here for the Girls on iStripper, i will further put my Money in it,
Je doute que la direction vous réponde.
Les SEC ne sont pas des cartes à vendre car elles n'ont pas de prix, il faut JUSTE les gagner
en criant "Victoire! j'ai gagné la carte trophée!" et je peux vous assurer qu'elle n'aura pas
le même saveur comme tout ce qui s'arrache difficilement dans la vie.
Et au risque de me répeter, ils ont fait un geste pour Nici, alors avec ça! merci iStripper.
SEC are not cards for sale because they have no price, you JUST have to earn them
shouting "Victory! I won the trophy card!" and I can assure you that she will not have
the same flavor as everything that is hard to tear off in life.
And at the risk of repeating myself, they made a gesture for Nici, so with that! thanks iStripper.
It seems people are getting tired of this, I support this website on every way possible but last time I tried this game of chance I spent 300 credits and no card, I don't know what the rate is and I no longer care, I'll have to live with these special events, but I'm not spending any more money on these special event cards. But with all honesty, if there's ever another website that starts doing these kind of shows I'll definitely give it a try.
Totem introduced SECs
Some people ***** about the rules for obtaining them.
Totem changed the rules to go some way to meeting the original objections.
Some people ***** about the new rules for obtaining them.
They could have simply stuck with the original rules.
I am pretty sure that no matter what they do, short of selling them as normal cards for the normal price, will attract complaints.
But you are talking from Long time members, and we all know, when you are doing a specific thing too long,
like using iStripper, it will get in most cases Boring over Time. Even if you still like/love the Product.
Maybe it is not the case on yourself, but i lost in my past track on many things which i was doing way too long.
And i was trying to find something new and satisfying on that specific thing, but i was not be able to do that.
And who knows wher i'm standing lets say in 3 or 5 Years for myself and on iStripper.
I can't really tell you today. But i know one for Sure, I Love Girls, and iStripper is giving me an easy and
very convenient way to Access different Type of Girls. Even if i can see them only on my Screen.
That is indeed a good/important Point, but we (including myself) didn't talk to anyone from the Team in personal
about those internal things, because we are not be able to get involved in to internal Discussions.
And further about Loyalty.
I'm not naive, I know a business doesn't care much about my "loyalty", and is just looking for a way to keep the big wallets coming and attract new customers, and try to make everyone spend as much as possible. Business is business.
That is not a 100% true. As i told earlier in this Topic from that Company which i was working for almost 7 Years.
Of course i will not telling any Names or Persons, but my Boss would liked to give his Customers something back.
And not only as a short period Solution, No as an Long Term Solution for all New and Long Term Customers.
At the end, he had to pay more as he could imagine to have Money for that.
It was ruining almost his Company and many many Customers were pissed off, understandable of course.
And it ended with the Situation where many Customers came in the Store and smashing their
***** and disappointment on me.
Only on myself, i was their match ball for their ***** and offending speaking.
They were Insulting against me on and on, but my Boss was sitting in his Office as like happened nothing.
Until to an specific Point, where he had to call the Police, because of an very mad and nasty Ranting Customer.
Gladly there were no Weapons in play, but he threatened me physically.
And until today i ***** my Boss for that, what he was offering his Customers,
and not thinking about the consequences. Even there was a good Intention in the Background.
Until today i can't get this Situation out of my Head any more.
And i'm thankful to that Customer that he had no Knife or Gun in this Situation with it.
Otherwise he shall ***** in Hell forever.
And this is one of the Reasons why i'm sitting at a Psychologist, because of that ***** in my past.
When one is getting Nasty against someone else, who is not fault for his Situation then you can still handle that.
But not 10 or 15 Customers per Day, against one Employee, and yes it is a true Story.
And we are talking from an Timeline of almost 3 Months.
And at the End, you can't satisfy everyone like i was saying before. It is not possible, because we are all different.
You know > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHbzSif78qQ
So with that saying, we don't know who the Teammembers are, or what they are planning,
but i had this Year PM Contact to one specific Teammember.
I will not give any further Details to this Contact/Conversation of course.
But from my Perception with this Conversation i will not believe that Totem isn't aware about our Loyalty.
No way, because this Conversation was just too good, even it was short.
Thanks again to my Conversation Partner at this Point😊 just in case you are reading here in this Topic.
I agree we should relax about this, be patient & enjoy the girls.That's right, i'm here for the Girls on iStripper, i will further put my Money in it,
and hoping further for an native Linux Client.
But i really really don't care about the SEC Cards, because i have 1918 other Shows to
enjoy over and over every Day. So please to all have a great Time on iStripper💚 👍
Je précise que je respecte beaucoup @Sexy3DBoy.
Par contre je trouve que ses propos sont l'exemple parfait que je parlais de certaines personnes, qui vont conforter Totem dans sa décision de ne rien changer.
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