But to reach out and delete/remove (update w/blank) purchased content without notice or offer of reimbursement does not seem fair to the customer that paid for the content.
You are very misinformed.
Totem does not reach out and Remove or Delete content.
Totem never has and Never will do this.
Card images used in the store and in the GUI, are stored in your Data folder.
when yo u view the store, the server pushes you the current card image, if you don't already have the current card image.
For cards no longer for sale.
the server pushes a null image.
That's is it...
Also read the T&C.
Members do not OWN any of the content. You Purchase a License that allows you to USE the content.
Totem retains ownership of it.
So if, you as a member, wish to keep a copy. you must make your own backup copy.
https://www.istripper.com/information/eula/displayNote: The GUI provides a method for each member to use a customized set of images.
Duplicate the image and ad the suffix _custom before the dotted extension.
These custom images will also be displayed as the images used by the Store.
Backup you Data folders, and your Models folders.
6TB external HDD can be purchased for under $100
Backup up your collection.
Do it.. Back it up....
a Triple diamond member with 1500 cards has invested anywhere from (1) $1500 to $3000 on licensing fees.
The License to use the Product is Yours for as long as Totem is in Business (2) ( even longer )
Back up your Investment !
now $3000 sounds like a Lot...
but most members that are triple diamond, have been around for a number of years.
maybe it is $300 to $500 a year.
For a Hobby, that is Not a Huge amount of money.
But it is still a lot to risk loosing.
Back it Up !
(1) based on various Discounts and promotional Offers.
(2) REX, the owner , has stated that if Totem should ever decide it's time to close. Totem will release a software version that doesn't need to connect to a server in order for you to use the cards you have a license for.
But you will never be able to Re-Download any of it again..
Back up you Investment.
A single copy is not a Backup.
Make sure you have at least Two duplicate copies at all times.
If one fails, Make a New duplicate copy Immediately, so you always have at least Two Copies.
I can't stress the Importance of Backups. Hardware fails.. Magnetic media fails.
Back up your Investment.
Oh, Did I mention that you should backup Both your Complete Data and Models Folders.