if you make a skin for a specific Card, or Model. you can also Include a Custom set of images., a custom Card, a Custom Full png and a Custom Nude Png
A Question came up today that was the first time I think I've been asked it.
So I thought I'd share it.
many of us, know that we can make a Custom Card Image.
but I was asked about the Full PNG that is used on the Carousel.
The answer is Yes, you can make your own custom Full.png images to use.
and along with that the nude preview image as well.
the word _custom is added last to the file name.
the picture is a sample of one of my Data folders for card e0214
I added purple stars to the png's
Oh, yes... You have to Quit IS and restart it to see the changes.
IS caches the Images, so you will see the cached Image, not your changes until you restart.
So there you go. Happy Customization...
Hint to all you Skin Makers. HINT HINT HINT.....
if you make a skin for a specific Card, or Model. you can also Include a Custom set of images., a custom Card, a Custom Full png and a Custom Nude Png. either for just the one card, or for the Models full set of cards.
Make it a complete set, Custom Skin, Card, Full and Nude images. adds more value to your shared work.
And if you team up with a Scene creator, then you can have the Full Package!
A custom Scene, Skin, Card, Full and Nude pngs.
My question is can you do this with models whos' cards appear in "my Collection" (just the older cards that are no longer for sale) but have no picture on them?
Making IS your very own, just got a whole lot more FUN !
@Ronyk16mk - as has been expained here several times recently Totem are currently using a temporary studio after a fire destroyed their old one. The temporary studio in in the middle of Paris and there is a lot of traffic noise so no sound is being recorded. When the old studio is back in production sound will be restored.Thank you for explaining this situation.
Traduzione in italiano in arrivo. Purtroppo non ho molto tempo libero a disposizione e ci vorrà ancora del tempo. Quando sarà pronta incollerò il link qui sotto e i passaggi da eseguire. Al momento vi allego lo screenshot con alcune stringhe che ho già tradotto. Ovviamente è ancora piena di errori che vorrei correggere prima di rilasciarne una primissima versione.
Non spaventatevi se vedete la versione per Mac, appena riuscirò vi metterò le foto della versione per Windows.
Dear non-Italian user,
this is a communication for a version of iStripper finally in Italian that I am slowly translating.
Sorry for my bad English. it's 4 o'clock at night. I'm so tired.....zzzzzzzz.....
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