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Version Linux

  Forum / Tutto su iStripper

Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
March 2, 2017 (edited)

j'envisage de repasser à linux, mais cela m'empêterai un peu de devoir me passer des services de nos belles.

existe-il ou est-il prévu une version pour linux ? sinon le soft fonctionne-t-il correctement (scènes classiques et plein écran) avec wine ou playonlinux ? la gestion des multi écran fonctionne-elle ?

merci d'avance
Da In Jul 2008

4617 post(s)
March 2, 2017
Pour moi, afin d'éviter des problèmes de compatibilité, Windows en machine virtuelle serait une meilleure solution que wine ou playonlinux. La VM permet d'utiliser un vrai Windows complet avec les drivers originels et donc une parfaite reconnaissance du matériel.
Je n'ai jamais entendu parler d'une version Linux par la team.
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
March 2, 2017
le hic des vm c'est que ça n'utilise pas toute la puissance du pc donc risque de ralentissement. surtout avec un soft "graphique" comme istripper en plein écran.
Da In Jul 2008

4617 post(s)
March 2, 2017 (edited)
La série Core d'Intel intègre une accélération matérielle pour les VM, à activer dans le BIOS/UEFI, ce sont les instructions VTx si mes souvenirs sont bons. Du coup, les ralentissements sont très réduits. Il faut avoir assez de RAM aussi (8 Go mini, 16 Go sont mieux).
En gratuit il y a Virtualbox ou VMware Workstation Player qui tournent sous Win/MacOS/Linux.
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
March 3, 2017
ah oui j'avais oublié la partie bios, merci de me l'avoir rappeler :)
ça devrait tourner assez bien avec mes 24 Go de RAM.
oui j'utilise régulièrement virtualbox.
Da In Jan 2009

26 post(s)
March 3, 2017
Pas de version linux, hélas :(
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
March 4, 2017
c'est bien domage
Da In Feb 2015

1 post(s)
April 20, 2017
I would love to see a Linux version or even a Wine version.
Da In Dec 2016

1 post(s)
April 21, 2017
I run iStripper in Wine version 1.9. It works fine, but there is some blur and some flickering of the dancers. I don't think iStripper works well in earlier versions of wine though.
Da In Aug 2008

454 post(s)
April 21, 2017
tried both VGHD and IStripper in Wine and it's the same. Both are flickering especially in zoom mode. The software would also need some adaptations.
The weak point is the WMPlayer.
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
March 24, 2020
Hi @Virt4B

I know this Topic is old but I am Happy i found it, and i Read your Comment about flickering.
For the Case you are still using Linux maybe as your second OS,
i had this Issue too, and here is an almost 100% Flickerfree Solution.

Go to your Settings -> Desktop and put the Slider for the Maxi-Mode on 90% that should do it.
The iStripper Client has actual Silver Status on WineHQ.

but a Natve Linux-Client would be Nice. So we don't need this stupid Wine any more :-(
Da In Jul 2015

422 post(s)
March 24, 2020
I am not a fan of wine... I do love my beer though.
(this is a joke)
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
March 24, 2020
I am not a fan of wine... I do love my beer though.
I don't like both of them and,
(this is a joke)
it was a Good one 👍
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
May 30, 2022 (edited)
Je dépoussière un peu mon sujet :)

Je viens de faire des tests sous Ubuntu Budgie en machine virtuelle VirtualBox en ayant le dossier models (le même que celui que j'utilise sur mon Windows sur un lecteur USB connecté à mon NAS et connecté via fstab sur ma VM.

Je précise que dans mon Ubuntu Budgie j'ai bien accès en lecture/écriture à ce dossier models.

1er test avec Lutris
  • ça s'installe bien mais besoin de réinstaller à chaque lancement (j'ai du faire un truc de travers je pense) mais on s'en fou car il y a un gros problème qui est impossible de télécharger une carte car doit au dossier modèle UNIQUEMENT en lecture. donc idée abandonnée dans l'immédiat bien que cela semblait fluide.

2ème test avec PlayOnLinux
  • dès après l'installation il y a un problème XD ça commence mal, mais en fait on s'en sort.
lors du 1er lancement d'iStripper, on ne voit pas les case pour se connecter, on ne voit QUE le bouton Continuer donc ça cré un compte temporaire mais il suffit d'aller dans les paramètres du logiciel pour changer de compte

là 2ème problème on ne voit pas la fenêtre de connexion (décidément) MAIS on voit la case du login donc on rempli puis on utilise la touche TAB pour aller à la case mot de passe puis on valide avec ENTRÉE et ça roule
  • là l'affichage de la fille est très lent ça lag à mort et tout mais bon c'est une VM avec un GPU de 128mo donc normal en même temps
  • accès au dossier models en lecture/écriture, youpi
  • du coup test de télécharger une carte, RAS ça passe au poil

Donc à tester en installation en dur mais à priori ça marche au poil ou du moins pas trop mal avec cette 2ème solution, dommage ça fera 2 émulateurs de Windows d'installé mais bon tant que ça marche, car oui je garde Lutris pour mes vrais jeux :).

Pour ce qui est des lags, ça m'inquiète pas trop car j'ai fait tourné Final Fantasy XIV via Lutris en 1080p sans le moindre problème sous cette distrib .
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
May 30, 2022
Hi Breat44 :)

i hope it is ok to write in English, but i picked two important things from your Comment.
lors du 1er lancement d'iStripper, on ne voit pas les case pour se connecter, on ne voit QUE le bouton
Continuer donc ça cré un compte temporaire mais il suffit d'aller dans les paramètres du logiciel
pour changer de compte
là 2ème problème on ne voit pas la fenêtre de connexion (décidément) MAIS on voit la case du login
donc on rempli puis on utilise la touche TAB pour aller à la case mot de passe
puis on valide avec ENTRÉE et ça roule
Yes that is true and i always forgot about to mention that, shame on me ...

But it was different in my case because the first start of the iStripper Software was on my
real Hardware with PlayOnLinux instead of a Virtul Machine.

I also couldn't see the Login Window, instead i only could see the two Input Boxes for the
Username and Password. What i was doing (trial and error method), i wrote a single Letter
in the upper Input Box followed by pressing the Enter Key.

After that the whole Login Window was visible and i could continue with the Registration
for my Account. And as far as i can tell from my memory Viola should be visible in that Window,
but i'm not 100% sure any more.
Da In Jun 2011

480 post(s)
May 30, 2022
Si tu es doctorant et que ton sujet de thèse est basé sur: "comment faire tourner correctement iStripper Windows sur un Linux?", OK soit, tu vas en sortir 10000 pages et au final???

iStripper est écrit et compilé pour tourner sur un vrai Windows
iStripper est écrit et compilé pour tourner sur un vrai Mac,

Tu installes Windows et Linux sur un SSD et tu swapes entre les deux au démarrage en fonction de ce que tu veux faire. Dès lors tu ne passeras plus ton temps les mains dans le cambouis juste pour des miss sur un bureau!!!
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
June 5, 2022
@Stanston I didn't try on real hardware yet because I still searching an alternative for my backup solution before I can really switch.

@Sexy3DBoy oui mais c'est moins fun en plus j'ai la flegme de switch d'OS et enfin l'idée est de virer Windaube :)
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
June 5, 2022 (edited)
because I still searching an alternative for my backup solution
In that case the only recommendation which i can give you is rsync,
because it is and it was my personal choice from the beginning and since late 2009.

It is also available as GUI-Application,

and here are some more interesting Links for you.

Back In Time could be another good choice and it is using rsync and cp as Backend.

Another one for you could be Timeshift.

It is available in Focal,

and Jammy.

But that is everything what i can give you as recommendation and like i said
i never used anything else beside of rsync.

Even if you would use it on the Command Line only, the Syntax is not so complicated
like it looks in the beginning.

And once you got confirm with it, you can put all your Commands in a Textfile,
and save it as a Shell Script with a simple
in the beginning, make it executable and you are good to go.


I was trying to find a simple and basic Tutorial about rsync, and i think i can't explain it
in a better way like this Guy.

And i have to agree with him about what he is saying on the end of the Video:
It is fast, efficient and useful.
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
June 6, 2022 (edited)
thanks for links i'll see even if i find this morning for backup but i forgot to find an alternative for bluestacks.

for backup my problem was to find a cloud storage not expensive to use with "Déjà Sup" for exemple.
  • i saw Déjà Sup already support Google Drive and I can crypt during the backup so can be good
  • pCloud can be good too mostly if I get the 2To with actual reduction, no need subscription each years

I find some but don't work (i tryed on real hardware laptop for this of course), you can see here if you want :
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
June 6, 2022
Unfortunately i didn't made any experience with an Android Emulator in Ubuntu so far,
the only thing what i can do for you is giving you these Links.
Hopefully there is something for you which is helpful.

And here is an older Article from OMG Ubuntu,

and within the Article is another interesting Link.
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
June 6, 2022 (edited)
Google Drive and I can crypt during the backup so can be good
no need subscription each years
Google Drive is a monthly Subscription and i slightly remember that i received an E-Mail
from them in the beginning of this year for an proposal to switch to a Subscription per year.

But i refused that offer to stay on my pay per month plan.
The Payment can be done with Paypal.

And because of your Comment about Backup in a Cloud i was doing some digging within
the ubuntuusers Wiki, and there is another Tool which is called BorgBackup.

It is providing Encryption with AES and it supports the SSH-Protocol as well.
And not only that, they are providing a Cloud Service with advanced features,
such as monitoring, append-only and two-factor authentication.

Ubuntu users can use any Borg-based backup client, such as Vorta (GUI) or Borgmatic (command line).

And as usual i put all important Links together for you.

So maybe this is something for you too :)
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
July 27, 2022
yes google drive is annually subscription but it's temporary, after i can get for exemple pcloud who allow us to get many space (2To) with 1 paiement.

of course i con't use their backup service because not encrypt but i'll use their storage space to put my own encrypt backup.

like it's expensive i prefer try with google drive before for 20€/year during 1 year waiting all works well on my linux laptop.

I installed ubuntu budgie on my laptop yesterday and remove windows, like this no choice i need find solutions for any problems :)

like i said before istripper works with playonlinus but too much bugs with opensource gpu driver and same with the recommand and lastest propritaty driver.

so i need find an other solution to install it, if someone have an idea, think to me please.
Da In Aug 2018

1013 post(s)
July 28, 2022
I installed ubuntu budgie on my laptop yesterday and remove windows
👍 ❤️
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
August 1, 2022 (edited)
was to try but i prefer mint to i changed to put him but the problem with istripper still here.

I tryed with bottles, the app is installed but when i *****/drop cards in the list to play them, card blink.

when girls are doing their show, their blink too.

I put directx9 and 11 in dependencies, activate gpu acceleration and try with xorg gpu driver and nvidia 515 driver but it's same.

The most weird is that seems works perfectly (almost better than on windows) in full screen mode with backgrounds like screensaver, but in small and big it's bugged.

if someone have an idea, i'm missing theses girls XD
Da In Oct 2008

50 post(s)
August 15, 2022
here 2 small videos i made to show you exactly what happen with my istripper on linux mint 21 :

graphic bugs when i move 1 or more cards and bugs when i play a card :
all works perfectly in full screen :

the bug at the top of screen isn't real, it's because of recording.

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