@Rex 2 hours ago
@EverthangForever Displaying clip number and duration in Next list is not a problem, I'm adding it to our todo list, but it won't be at the very top :)
Would that meet your requests?
But Not just on the Next List.
Also When you Create a Playlist and ***** just a clip, display the clip number and Duration, so you know which is a clip and which is an entire card.
then on the Next List, when you Insert a saved playlist, if it has clips saved, display the Clip Number and duration.
Here is an Advanced Option I'd like to see as well:
If you ***** a Card to the Playlist.
provide a Right Click Option to Expand / Explode the card into a list of all of it's clips, so you could then remove unwanted clips from the play list.
( if you have UnChecked Clips in the card, these would NOT be part of the expanded list. )
an Expanded / Exploded card could NOT be Compressed back to just a card, Once Expanded, it is then just it's list of clips.
So it's a ONE way option. Once expanded to the list of clips, you can't undo it.
Of course you could delete the clips from the playlist, and then just Add the card and leave it as a Card
W10 can not record the screen, who knows? Tried several, not work, hey! depressed
Or not. There is no problem with the desktop screenshots. But in the running full-screen scene state, the interception of the black screen picture.
@TheEmu Interesting, both wangxukkk and Wyldanimal seem to get just a black rectangle trying to capture a fullscreen scene with Win+Fn+Prin but on my laptop it works flawlessly capturing the image of both monitors in a single .png file. The laptop has two GPUs (Intel and NVIDIA) and the screen capture works with both. Maybe, like so many things, its a driver issue.
@wangxukkk But it can not record full-screen scenes, all before can.I have tied many screen capture programs and only Found One that captures Fullscreen Scenes.
iStripper logo automated display in FullScreen (an not part of the scene as it is now)I don't know how this will be received. If its not in the coding of the .scn file, it may look like compulsory branding of our free fullscreen scenes.
[quote] iStripper logo automated display in FullScreen (an not part of the scene as it is now)I don't know how this will be received. If its not in the coding of the .scn file, it may look like compulsory branding of our free fullscreen scenes.[/quote]
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