// background first left Swing Model /////
clipSprite {
pos: 100, -383, -290
sittingHeight: 300
source: Girl
scale: -1, 1, 1
opacity: 1
animate: 299, forward, outexpo, pos, -265, 90, 235
animate: 699, forward, outexpo, opacity, 0
// background first right Swing Model /////
clipSprite {
pos: 350, -353, -370
sittingHeight: 300
source: Girl2
scale: -1, 1, 1
opacity: 1.0
animate: 499, forward, outexpo, pos, -265, 90, 235
animate: 499, forward, outexpo, opacity, 0.0
clip {this works better I think, please let me know what you think and what I can change to makee it even better... It takes sme time as you can see by animate.
id: Girl
allow: top
nameGlowColor: 1, 0, 1
clip {
id: Girl2
allow: top
nameGlowColor: 1, 0, 1
//adapted from +Shades fragment shader by @WyldanimalI am trying to get the zoom in and out effect working but I am overlooking something I think..
// scene offers close up views of swing ~ ET
text: Info/infoFractalGarden029swing.txt
logo: Info/small_logoFractalgarden029.png
clip {
id: Girl
allow: top
nameGlowColor: 1, 0, 1
clip {
id: Girl2
allow: top
nameGlowColor: 1, 0, 1
clip {
id: Girl3
allow: top
nameGlowColor: 1,0, 1
// Use a transparent sprite as a shader substrate
texture {
id: Background2D
source: ETImages, transparency.png
camera {
type: 3D
pos: 80, 0, 350
// add as shader mounting png
sprite {
pos: 0, 0, 0
hotspot: 0.5, 0.5
size: 1200, 900
source: Background2D
blend: true
shader: fragment, Shaders//music1z.fsh
// background middle Swing Model /////
clipSprite {
pos: -50, -433, -490
sittingHeight: 350
source: Girl
scale: -1, 1, 1
opacity: 1
animate: 299, PingPong, InOutSine, outexpo, pos, -265, 90, 235
animate: 699, PingPong, InOutSine, outexpo, opacity, 0
clipNameSprite {
Color: 0.7, 0.5, 1
scale: 0.8
pos: -100, -83, -390
opacity: 1
hotspot: 0.5, 0
source: Girl
// background first right Swing Model /////
clipSprite {
pos: 250, -353, -370
sittingHeight: 300
source: Girl2
scale: -1, 1, 1
opacity: 1.0
animate: 499, PingPong, InOutSine, outexpo, pos, -265, 90, 235
animate: 499, PingPong, InOutSine, outexpo, opacity, 0.0
clipNameSprite {
Color: 0.7, 0.5, 1
scale: 0.8
pos: 200, -50, -370
opacity: 1.0
hotspot: 0.5, 0
source: Girl2
// background left Swing Model /////
clipSprite {
pos: -400, -503, -370
sittingHeight: 400
source: Girl3
scale: -1, 1, 1
opacity: 1.0
animate: 199, PingPong, InOutSine, outexpo, pos, -265, 90, 235
animate: 499, PingPong, InOutSine, outexpo, opacity, 0.0
clipNameSprite {
Color: 0.7, 0.5, 1
scale: 1
pos: -600, -125, -370
opacity: 1.0
hotspot: 0.5, 0
source: Girl3
animate: 90, PingPong, InOutSine, outexpo, pos, -265, 90, 235
animate: 90, PingPong, InOutSine, outexpo, opacity, 0
animate: 90, PingPong, InOutSine, pos, 0, 250, 750
shader: fragment, Shaders//music1z.fsh
..Maybe I should folow some lessons to get it right..
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