@Z22 thanks lots...Its just the bare bones concept to show peeps.
With me it is a matter of one''s mind saying one wants to see it close to yr face
plus moving one's finger side to side helps lock it in with the bars there.
The overlap can be brain trained to go away by practice. I have a floater in my eye so I know
how easily that is accomodated by just not thinking about it...but hey thats just me....hehe
Feel free to edit or make new mixes as you see fit all squires ;-)
PS ... i wish @Theemu had a uniform for his Fairy Magic.fsh for us to center the
stars output higher or lower on a clipsprite quad.
The sprite under "/////// Name behind poles" is causing a 50% fps drop on my system
animate: 24, PingPong, easeOutElastic, pos, 600, 0, 0
thats causing it.
I don't think it likes having 10 animates
Cant you group then into nodes?
//Torso Middle model clone
clipSprite {
source: Girl // add this
pos: -300, 800, -100
The thing that had my head scratching for a bit was the "void mainimage(in blah out blah)" bit, changing that to "void main(void)" sorted out the "no program " error.
@WA I want a Full Screen Scene file ( Fragment Shader ) that will take a single 2D image and Emulate a 3D Image from it on the fly.
Feed it the Model Dancing, and on the fly it produces 3D.
step(e,X)*(High-Low) + Low
smoothstep(e0,e1,X) *(High-Low) + Low
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