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Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here

  Forum / Tutto su iStripper

Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 11, 2022
Bravo @Philours bonne nouvelle. heureux de vous revoir ici 👍
Bravo @Philours good news. glad to see you back here again
Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
July 12, 2022 (edited)
All is well for me too with these scenes @EverthangForever.

@Philours has a fickle spirit.

He has a facility to abandon us to frequent discord.

He who had some apprehension about this newcomer.

It is necessary to believe that she knew how to bewitch him.

Tout va bien pour moi aussi avec ces scènes @EverthangForever.

@Philours a un esprit volage.

Il a une facilité a nous délaisser pour fréquenter discord.

Lui qui avait pourtant des appréhension face à cette nouvelle venue.

Il faut croire qu'elle a su l'ensorceler.
Da In May 2022

399 post(s)
July 12, 2022
Hi there,

Another technical problem. I'm trying to get a ClipSprite to appear for 1/4 of the time, then disappear for 1/2 of the time and reappear for the final 1/4. Whichever way I try, I cannot get anything to work.

I can make a ClipSprite appear 1/2 the time and disappear 1/2 the time but I cannot get anything to offset that so that it appears (or disappears) from 1/4 time to 3/4 time.

Any pointers would be appreciated.
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 12, 2022 (edited)
@Calgon, Maybe you need to do your sprites in layers..
copies of the same sprites in the same start position acting as separate layers of themselves
and run the opacity animation separate for each layer. @TheEmu showed us how in his
Carousel test scenes.
It might also be useful to have a peek at my games development roulette scene for working out
typical timings of sequential clipsprite front layer disappearances.
Da In May 2022

399 post(s)
July 12, 2022
Thanks @EverthangForever . I had been working on my own Carousel from scratch and only found that @TheEmu had already done it ! I'll study his code and see if mine can be adjusted or if I've gone about it wrong from the start. I was using layers and opacity just having trouble getting 3rd and 4th clips to appear and disappear when I wanted.
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 12, 2022 (edited)
@Calgon it is worth noting that you need to run huge positive and negative opacity values in the alloted
sprite & its time of the animation to make any changes appear 'fine tuned or instantaneous'
Da In May 2022

399 post(s)
July 12, 2022
@EverthangForever - yes I realised that (after much trial and error). The technique also doesn't work for reflections as they of course need to have an opacity between 0 and 1.

I see in other peoples scenes the code: " quad{} " but I'm still not sure what it's use is, is there an explanation anywhere ?
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 12, 2022 (edited)
A quad node to my understanding, is merely a four sided (right angled) rectangle with pos and size parameters. Its most common use when I deploy it, is to serve as a 2D bounded area for rendering the enclosed area with a shader. Quads are useful if you want to cut down the processing required to call a mounting texture. The drawback if you only use quads and shaders instead of textures / sprites in a scene, is that Totem's fullscreen player may hijack any available sprite (ie: clipsprite or clipnamesprite) to render those as artifacts onto your quads. That, (& for matching resolution reasons) is why I generally prefer to use a bland texture (beige) to render shaders onto. So, If I see a beige screen, I can know immediately that shader has not compiled.
Da In Jul 2012

3309 post(s)
July 12, 2022
A quad node to my understanding, is merely a four sided (right angled) rectangle with pos and size parameters.

Also orientation, colour and opacity.
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 12, 2022
Merci pour les réponses @Philours et @ComteDracula comme toujours. bon à lire vos précieux commentaires
Thanks for the feedback @Philours and @ComteDracula as always.. good to read your valuable comments
Da In Apr 2021

62 post(s)
July 13, 2022 (edited)

We are sooo happy that you are enjoying our scenes. We do apologize for those missing scenes you have mentioned. We are in the process of fixing the 'Lesbian Orgy and Roommates' scenes as the beds were a little too small, on top of other graphical and coding adjustments and should be ready within the next few days or by the weekend the latest. As far as the 'Naked News' scene goes, well we are in the process of deciding whether to build onto the original scene or to take a completely new approach keeping with the theme of the actual online tv show. Still Undecided???
Da In Apr 2021

62 post(s)
July 13, 2022 (edited)

Thanks for the proper link for @1VGconvert. I have just figured out how to do it. Feeling pretty silly now on how simple it actually was lol. Your link in the other post gave me the answer as I just simply copy the intended link.
Da In Jan 2009

47 post(s)
July 13, 2022

We are sooo happy that you are enjoying our scenes. We do apologize for those missing scenes you have mentioned. We are in the process of fixing the 'Lesbian Orgy and Roommates' scenes as the beds were a little too small, on top of other graphical and coding adjustments and should be ready within the next few days or by the weekend the latest. As far as the 'Naked News' scene goes, well we are in the process of deciding whether to build onto the original scene or to take a completely new approach keeping with the theme of the actual online tv show. Still Undecided???


Thanks for the response. I'll wait patiently ;-) for the updates.
Da In Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
July 14, 2022

All work great so far but I have new hardware so might have to test them all again sometime.
Da In Feb 2019

1655 post(s)
July 14, 2022
ETFG 394-404 fonctionnent bien pour moi @EverthangForever. J'avais déjà FG400 😉. J'ai une petite préférence pour FG401😊 Merci 👍
ETFG 394-404 work well for me @EverthangForever. I already had FG400 😉. I have a small preference for FG401😊 Thank you 👍

@ComteDracula, n'ayez crainte, je ne vous délaisse pas, juste que je n'ai pas toujours le temps de tester les scènes lors de leurs publications. Et que si vous avez déjà poster un compte rendu et que le mien est semblable, alors je n'ai plus rien à dire 😆
Mon occupation n'est pas Discorde, où, il ne se passe pas grand chose surtout depuis que vous n'y intervenez plus aussi régulièrement 😀😀😀
@ComteDracula, don't worry, I'm not neglecting you, just that I don't always have time to test the scenes when they are published. And if you have already posted a review and mine is similar, then I have nothing more to say 😆
My occupation is not Discord, where, not much happens especially since you don't intervene so regularly 😀😀😀
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 15, 2022
@Philours, @Socialhazard & @ComteDracula merci comme toujours pour vos précieux rapports.
J'ai atteint FG500 à la maison, donc je vais devoir me dépêcher avec le partage bientôt

@Philours , @Socialhazard & @ComteDracula thanks as always for your valuable reports.
I have reached FG500 at home, so I may need to get a wriggle on with the sharing soon
Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
July 15, 2022 (edited)
Thanks @EverthangForever

The FG402 and FG404 scenes have small jerks in the girls' movements.

The others seem OK to me.

I could not check the percentage of use of my graphics card, having only one screen currently.

@Philours, indeed I almost never read what is written on discord.

I just go there for the creations and images.

I'm glad @EverthangForever shares them here and not on discord.

I am unable to adapt to this environment, which seems to me more of a "gamer" environment.

I still have that impersonal feeling, which is not found here.

On this forum, it's like being at home, not at the neighbor's.

I must be too old, or too conservative in my preferences after all. 😊

Merci @EverthangForever

Les scènes FG402 et FG404 ont de petites saccades dans le mouvements des filles.

Les autres me semblent OK.

Je n'ai pas pu vérifier le pourcentage d'utilisation de ma carte graphique, n'ayant qu'un écran actuellement.

@Philours, en effet je ne vais presque jamais lire ce qui s'écrit sur discord.

J'y vais juste pour les créations et images.

Je suis content que @EverthangForever les partage ici et non sur discord.

Je suis incapable de m'adapter à cet environnement, qui me semble plus un environnement de "gamer".

J'ai toujours cet impression impersonnelle, qu'on ne retrouve pas ici.

Sur le présent forum, c'est comme si on était chez soi, et non chez le voisin.

Je dois être trop vieux, ou trop conservateur dans mes préférences finalement. 😊
Da In Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
July 15, 2022 (edited)

If you have a NVIDIA card you can use Performance Overlay (Alt+R) for CPU and GPU usage as well as some other info (FPS, 99% FPS, and Render Latency). Activate it before you play a scene. It is kinda finicky though and may take a few tries for it to show over the scene.
Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
July 15, 2022
Thanks @Socialhazard. I didn't know about this feature of NVIDIA. Very helpful. 😊

And for the 2 scenes above mentioned, my graphics card is 100% used as I thought.

Merci @Socialhazard. Je ne connaissais pas cette fonction de NVIDIA. Très utile. 😊

Et pour les 2 scènes plus haut mentionnées, ma carte graphique est utilisée à 100% comme je le pensais.
Da In Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
July 15, 2022

No problem. 😊 😎
Da In Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
July 15, 2022 (edited)

I'm still not sure how much of this is useful but I went from 1920x1080 1k 24" to 3840x2160 4k 28" monitor and 4GB NVIDIA GTX 970 to 8GB NVIDIA RTX 3070 and am still playing 720p and 1080p cards in Graphic Render CPU. For this quick run through of FG, I used a Mary Rock playlist of simply all her cards in 1080p with repeat box ticked but only run it for a minute or so unless there is a stutter or something else wrong or was previously. Also, I don't have all the FG scenes yet. End caveats. 😄 😎

FG121 very ***** but not always stutter but more like framerate drop so the model is moving smooth just a tiny bit slower. GPU 100% FPS 42 (Below 50 FPS seems to be the point of stutter or slower play of the model.)
FG148 sometimes stutters but still looks awesome.GPU 100% FPS 42-56 (FPS 57 is in general trouble free on my rig for scenes.)
FG159 very ***** to ***** stutter, using a playlist of cards that have at least one swing clip in them or just swing clips in the now playing helps alot. GPU 100% FPS 53-57 (There is alot of movement here and the close ups of two models at the same time are often where the stutter happens.)
FG167 very ***** to ***** stutter. GPU 84-100% usually 100% FPS 46-57
FG237 very ***** at first and smooths out to none. GPU up and down 68-100% FPS 53-55 but usually 55
FG285 Terrain is not showing, its just a black flat area except a low mountain ridge on the left of the screen.
FG287 I don't know quite how to describe the graphic problem with this one. The uhh, right lobe has... Rainbow-shadow-static? 😳 😄

FG291 GPU 100% FPS 25-27 No stutter! FG291X GPU 100% FPS 41-46 No stutter!

That brings me up to the present FG404 and no other issues. <(^_^)>

Now all I have to worry about it the name changes of categories in the other scenes I have. Like "student" is now "*****". (New tags added: "Halloween", "Xmas" and "Cheerleader")
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 16, 2022 (edited)
Thanks @Socialhazard ,
For the scenes FG121, FG148, FG159, FG167 and FG237 and for @ComteDracula 's FG402 and FG404 scenes
The usual way to deal with complex shaders like these if causing stuttering, is to drop the size of the sprite where the shader is mounted on from 1920, 1080 down to something smaller like 10% less ie: 1728, 972 or even less until it stops stuttering. Its largely a 'suck it & see' - balancing act..

FG285 Terrain is not showing, its just a black flat area except a low mountain ridge on the left of the screen.
I need to change this: eliminate the framebuffer, & change the mounting texture source to a noise 512 x 512 --update Done

FG287 I don't know quite how to describe the graphic problem with this one. The uhh, right lobe has... Rainbow-shadow-static?
The initial flickering shadow on the dark upper 'lobe' is intentional- it looks like the author intended it as part of anticipating it's pending trip into action i guess :-)

On the whole your scenes appear to be working OK on your rig mainly due to you using 1080 or 3K clips
and my earlier attempts to limit the amount of rescaling of any textures found in the code, are helping too.
Great outcome overall @Socialhazard ..thanks a lot for this valuable feedback 👍
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 18, 2022 (edited)
FG500 Praise to da Moderators...Praise to da Members cool 👍
Here is a little something to reward those patient members who
did NOTclick Rebuild Collection during maybe a heat driven
server upset this weekend last. Praise for maintaining your cool
& trying to help keep the Earth to remain a cool place as well.

Voici un petit quelque chose pour récompenser les membres patients qui
NOTcliquez sur Reconstruire la collecte pendant l'entraînement thermique
serveur contrarié ce week-end dernier. Éloges pour le maintien de votre sang-froid
et essayez d'aider à garder la Terre pour rester un endroit frais aussi.

zip size = 121 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
July 18, 2022
Thank you @EvethangForever.

Very nice scene. But it uses 100% of my graphics card and depending on the number of details, it affects the movements of the girl (Saccades).

Merci @EvethangForever.

Très belle scène. Par contre elle utilise 100% de ma carte graphique et tout dépendant du nombre de détails, cela affecte les mouvements de la filles (Saccades).
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 18, 2022 (edited)
@ComteDracula ,
Dans le code Fractalgarden500.scn, modifiez

texture {
id: Torus
source: Textures/Beige01.png


texture {
id: Torus
source: Textures/Beige02.png

et voyez si cela aide
Pour les personnes avec des cartes 4K..
@Wyldanimal ou @TheEmu aurait besoin d'exécuter le shader
dans un quad / ou à taille réduite pour le tester jusqu'à ce
que le bégaiement cesse.
Da In Nov 2020

1160 post(s)
July 18, 2022 (edited)

👍 😄 😎

Awesome scene and runs great.

FPS 57
CPU 6-10%
GPU 47-60%
Da In Oct 2009

2519 post(s)
July 18, 2022 (edited)
@Socialhazard , sexellent result.👍 Same here..I am also limited to 3K model cards..
Totem need to give us a '4K models memory clamping' script for 4k users with fullscreen scenes.
Da In Aug 2017

1342 post(s)
July 19, 2022

I made the change for Beige02.

There is a little stutter. It's slight, but noticeable.

I used the 4K card from Belka - Dragon Bulge.

The numbers vary a lot. I made an approximation, based on what I saw scroll down as a numbers

With my NVidia GTX 1060 3GB graphics card

I have these results

FPS 41-55
99% FPS 32-49
Render Latency 60-70ms
CPU utilization 13-16
GPU utilization 100


J'ai fais le changement pour Beige02.

Il y a un petit begaiement. C'est léger, mais perceptible.

J'ai utilisé la carte 4K de Belka Dragon Bulge.

Le chiffres varie beaucoup. J'ai fait une approximation, d'après ce que je voyait défiler comme chiffres

Avec ma carte graphique NVidia GTX 1060 3GB

J'ai ces résultats

FPS 41-55 %
99% FPS 32-49%
Render Latency 60-70ms
CPU utilisation 13-16%
GPU utilisation 100%

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