A couple of months ago I received a message stating if you don't like a particular model on demos click on bottom right and you can have her removed. Has this feature disappeared? I keep getting the same ugly bitches over and over every day. while many models, (attractive ones) go UN-featured! Some were just removed as "last days, and come right back! this sucks. Are you pushing the ugly girls? why? if you featured the attractive ones I would buy them. But I will not buy the ugly ones NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU KEEP FILLING UP DEMOS WITH THEM! Please bring back the remove this model option. Or Feature ALL of the models fairly, Thank you. Also, WHY is there no longer a "contact us" button on any page? have you completely done away with customer service? thank you,
Very dissatisfied customer
Am I the only one tired of the same ugly girls every day?
11 voti
Yes, I prefer ugly girls and limitted choices
No, I also feel that some models are being unfairly represented