Well - it should be a way to help us find cards we personally prefer, in the abundance we get over time.
So I suggest, that "filters" in the application get an option added to select by categories - much like it exists in the shop.
That is, if whoever are assigning these categories to the cards, can get it right.
It is one word/category in partcular I'm thinking about here : Blonde
I do know, that "being a blonde" can refer to other than haircolor (at least in my natural language), but filters actually refer to "hair color".
I also know that girls can die their hair. But their natural haircolor is not really of any interest, it appears different in the card/show.
I also know, that the "hair-color" can differ, and sometimes is dependent of personal interpretation.
Anyway - here are some blondes, that do not have blonde hair.. ;>)
http://www.deskbabes.com/collectionSet.php?&cardId=c0088http://www.deskbabes.com/collectionSet.php?mseId=1229&model=Aliz_&_Candy_Alexahttp://www.deskbabes.com/collectionSet.php?mseId=1374&model=Angelica_Kitten_&_Leonelle_Knoxvillehttp://www.deskbabes.com/collectionSet.php?mseId=1473&model=Rihanna_Samuel_&_Tiffanyhttp://www.deskbabes.com/collectionSet.php?mseId=1506&model=Nicole_Sweet_&_Cameron_Cruzhttp://www.deskbabes.com/collectionSet.php?mseId=1712&model=Enza_&_Anita_QueenJust some exampels...
There are also solo-cards - especially the second of these:
http://www.deskbabes.com/collectionSet.php?mseId=1720&model=Anita_Queenhttp://www.deskbabes.com/collectionSet.php?mseId=1475&model=Tiffanywhich makes me wonder, what made whoever categorized these cards as "Blonde" - which hairs is he/she actually looking at?
For the latter, the reason might be, that there is not a category "Black", that would actually fit, so we just pretend, she is a blonde?
Well - this is not to *****, and I'm not really looking at the models haircolor, if I am to be honest. So this may be some kind of peculairity.
But it is a little serious as well:
What is the point of assigning a given card into a given category if it doesn't fit that category?
Or the other way around - What is the point of the categories, if the cards in the category, doesn't fit the description?
If you're looking for "Blondes" you can choose that category, and you will get some blondes - and some that are not. But it seems, there may be blondes, you don't get.
Again - this is not to compalin. I bought the first card in the list of duo's above, and just wondered about the categories..
So looked up blondes - and that was not especially encouraging in terms of validity of the "haircolor" categories.
I haven't checked any other categories - but maybe someone should - preferrably someone, that is able to correct mistakes...