Now that I got permission from Rex I can finally share this program with you.
It gives you the possibility to either play just one type of clips for example only pole dances or to watch a show from start to finish with no repetitions. You should however know how to make a playlist in the VG software to use its full potential.
It comes with a readme file that tells you more. The screenshot shows the main dialogue
and the explanation of the different playmodes so you can get a better idea what this program is for.
It is written in Java 6 and to execute it you just need an Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. There is no setup necessary for Java programs if an JRE is present. The readme.txt will also tell you where you find the JRE.
It was tested on all 3 current Windows Versions.
Go here to download the zip file.
Thanks to zebrazuk for his support on writing the readme file, testing the program and offering the webspace for it.
http://kp3d.com/vgmanager.htmlMake sure to read the readme.txt file before you use the program.
If you have questions you can also ask them here. And feel free to let me know what you think of it.
If you encounter the following problem: You double click on the jar file and some other program opens up (not if the Windows Choose program dialogue comes up)then please follow this link
http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Jarfix.shtml thanks
@DarkThoughts for finding this.
Extra explanation: Scenes
Scenes are a feature that is used for recent DeskBabes shows to group clips that should be played together like one long clip. Often there are direct transitions between the clips belonging to a scene. Per default only DeskBabes shows above show no. 125 are scened.
If you use Progressive hotness to watch the Scened DB shows you will probably notice that the demo clips interrupt the playing and that some scenes are not played in the right order apparently. This is because they are played in progressive hotness so if the second clip of a scene is x-rated and the third clip is just explicit the third clip will be played before the second clip.
This program plays them in the right order. Just make a Playlist in the VG/DB Software containing only the db show you want to watch.
Step by Step:
- Deactivate all cards using the all on/off button twice.
- Activate only the shows you want.
- Click on More -> Save Playlist
- Run my program
- use Scened Fullshow as Playmode.
- Choose the Playlist you just saved as input
- Activate VG/DB
- Lean back an enjoy the full DB show
@Moderators: Sorry for the double post but as one feature is especially for DeskBabes shows i also want to inform the users that only use DeskBabes.
And using the Platinum forum would have restricted this to Platinum and VIP members.