XP pro supports Dynamic Disk Arrays in the form of Spanned or Stripped.
But you would have to have more then One HD installed, Not an External removable drive.
See this MS site for Information
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/309044Also, via a registry Edit, you could keep the DATA folder on the Internal Drive, and the Models Folder on an External Drive.
I go a bit beyond this with one of my test systems...
here is an example of one of my systems.
The Data folder is on my C:\ drive
I use an External HD that I move from one computer to another, and this is where I have all of the Models folders.
It is Called T:\ Drive
I also have a smaller External HD, that I keep only some of the Models Folders on.
It is Called U:\ Drive
I have a VGT.reg file
and I have a VGU.reg file
in each file I have the following info.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"DataPath"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\George\\Application Data\\vghd\\Data\\"
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"DataPath"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\George\\Application Data\\vghd\\Data\\"
When I plug in my T: drive, I double click on the VGT.reg file and it changes the registry so VG knows to look to the T: drive for the Models folders.
When I plug in my U: drive, I double click on the VGU.reg file and it changes the registry so VG knows to look to the U: drive for the Models folders.
When I start VG after a drive change, I just rebuild the collection.
I keep automatic Downloads off, so it doesn't try to download the Missing Models when I use the U drive.
I am a bit more technical than the average person, so this isn't for everyone.
But it would be a way to have Half your collection on One External drive, and another Half on a second drive, But only Access to One drive at a time.
Keep the Data Folder On your Primary HD though.
(Actually You could Keep a separate Copy of the Data folder on each external drive though.. but then in the Example VGT and VGU reg files, you'd also need to change the Data folder locations as well. )
Not sure you will understand all that I posted here, but it is a way to split the collection up.
I add the Pics, because I think the posts strips off all the BackSlash characters..
So the Pics let you see how the file should look.